"Through the power of Christ, we are learning to live in simplicity, thankfulness, contentment and
generosity in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana."
generosity in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana."
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
23 Non-Numerical Signs of a Healthy Church
Knights of Columbus Spaghetti Feed
A flyer came to the church office from our friends at the Knights of Columbus at St. Mary's Catholic Church.
"Through this activity we prayerfully hope to raise funds to support our annual Thanksgiving Baskets. Each year our Council of men work to collect enough food to provide a complete Thanksgiving day meal for more than 30 families in our local area. Last year we provided a complete meal (a turkey, potatoes, stuffing, vegetables, cranberries, yams, gravy, etc.) for 34 families.
We are finding that each year we receive more and more names and we struggle just a bit more each year to meet the needs of our neighbors. We felt that this year we could get to know our neighbors over a bit of dinner while raising a bit of money for our other neighbors."
"Through this activity we prayerfully hope to raise funds to support our annual Thanksgiving Baskets. Each year our Council of men work to collect enough food to provide a complete Thanksgiving day meal for more than 30 families in our local area. Last year we provided a complete meal (a turkey, potatoes, stuffing, vegetables, cranberries, yams, gravy, etc.) for 34 families.
We are finding that each year we receive more and more names and we struggle just a bit more each year to meet the needs of our neighbors. We felt that this year we could get to know our neighbors over a bit of dinner while raising a bit of money for our other neighbors."
October 3
4 pm - 8 pm
St. Mary's Community Center
$8 for adults
$4 for children 10 and under
A message from our bishop
Mountain Sky Outlook: A Proposal to Strengthen Ministry for Jesus Christ
Who? What? When? Why? How? IF?
This week, leaders of the Rocky Mountain and Yellowstone Conferences received a recommendation to enter into a serious conversation about merging these two conferences into one. This idea has been whispered since before anyone can remember.
But both conferences have always had hesitations: The area is so vast and the distances too great. Would we lose the distinctive identities of the two conferences? And so the conversations never went very far, but the whispers continued around the edges.
You may remember that when I became your bishop in 2008 I became aware of this ongoing question: should we merge? And so I called together a joint task force that led us on a path that strengthened relationships between the two conferences:
You may remember that when I became your bishop in 2008 I became aware of this ongoing question: should we merge? And so I called together a joint task force that led us on a path that strengthened relationships between the two conferences:
• The Denver Episcopal Area became the Mountain Sky Area in 2012, marking a new collaboration and emphasizing what is common between the two conferences.
• One district superintendent oversees churches in Wyoming from both conferences.
• Two staff persons serve both conferences in the areas of communications and congregational vitality.
• The two conferences have worked more closely together for training, clergy recruitment and deployment, and professional development.
Now, whispers around the edges have become an elephant that is not only in the room, it is sitting down for tea.
You may have some questions…
Who would this affect?
The recommendation is that Rocky Mountain and Yellowstone Annual Conferences, which have been a single episcopal area and served by one bishop for many years, become a single annual conference.
Who would this affect?
The recommendation is that Rocky Mountain and Yellowstone Annual Conferences, which have been a single episcopal area and served by one bishop for many years, become a single annual conference.
Who made the recommendation?
The Futures Task Force of the Yellowstone Annual Conference.
The Futures Task Force of the Yellowstone Annual Conference.
Who would be affected? Organizationally, the 400 churches and their lay and clergy leaders, as well as the elected and employed leaders of the Rocky Mountain and Yellowstone conferences.
Who will decide whether merger is a good idea?
• As your bishop, I will appoint a Transformation Team of leaders from both conferences to decide whether to bring a recommendation to the annual conferences.
• Any recommendation from the Transformation Team would be considered by both the Yellowstone and Rocky Mountain Annual Conferences.
• The Western Jurisdictional Conference has the final decision about any change in conference boundaries.
IF the two conferences were to move toward merger, it would be a deliberate process that would take time. The working group might bring a preliminary report to the 2015 annual conferences. Annual Conferences could adopt a recommendation in June 2016 that could be considered at the Western Jurisdictional Conference in July 2016. If a plan involving changes to conference boundaries was approved it would take at least two more years to fully implement.
To strengthen United Methodist ministries for Jesus Christ and the transformation of the world across the states of Montana, Wyoming, the two churches in Idaho, and Colorado and Utah. In recent years, through joint cabinet work, shared training opportunities, collaborative planning for annual conference sessions and annual church conferences, and two new area-wide staff positions in communications and congregational vitality, the two conferences have begun to experience the benefits to both conferences of sharing vision and resources.
Bishops at least as far back as Roy Sano in the 1980s have experienced the strain of overseeing two annual conferences with separate offices, cabinets and budgets, separate program emphases and initiatives.
Yellowstone has especially struggled to bear the administrative burden of a complex annual conference organization as its membership, attendance, clergy and volunteer and staff resources have been stretched thin over the years.
Rocky Mountain also is experiencing long-term decline, though it does not yet have the same sense of urgency about the future. In recent years, conference mergers have occurred in New England, New Jersey, New York, Indiana, the Dakotas, the Great Plains (Nebraska and Kansas), and Texas.
If the two conferences develop a proposal to merge, and if the Jurisdictional Conference approves such a proposal, the specifics of “how” will be worked out by leaders from both conferences. Gil Rendle, from the Texas Methodist Foundation, who has helped many conferences consider their options for the future and has helped guide several recent mergers, will work with us in the weeks and months ahead as we explore the possibilities.
Gil Rendle reminds us to be purpose-driven, not preference-driven. Hopefully, we will all be able to set our preferences aside in order to pursue our purpose – God’s purpose. If we could more effectively make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world as a single conference in a more missional way, we should do it. If we could be more fruitful as separate conferences, we should not merge.
United Methodists in this great region have a rare opportunity to choose and shape an intentional future that focuses on opportunity rather than scarcity and survival, and to be deliberate about moving forward in a way that promotes life-giving ministry in partnership with Jesus Christ. Alan Roxburgh taught us to ask, what’s God up to?
And how can we be part of it? I hope these two conferences will continue to seek a future with hope together, aligning their combined resources to strengthen ministries that make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Please pray with me that we might hear God’s leading and follow.
PRAYER: God, help us know how to be fruitful ministers of your gospel in Jesus Christ. Give us wisdom to know your will and courage to do it. Strengthen your purpose in us so that our preferences fade away. AMEN.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Blackfeet Mission Project
Message from the Blackfeet United Methodist
Parish (BUMP)
This is an early notice of an upcoming mission event you can help us with.
Our church hands out "Shoe Box" gifts to children 0-18 years old. Last year we handed out about 450 gifts and ran out in less than an hour and were left with a long line, going around the block, standing out in a snow storm to get their children a gift. Our goal this year is to be able to give out twice that number or 900 gifts. (There are approximately 2700 students in grades K-12 in our school system and that does not include our 2 outlying schools.)
Here is how you can help:
1. Make and send some shoe box gifts. We suggest the value be about $10 per box. Toys, school supplies, clothing, hats, gloves, perfume, flashlights, ear buds, diapers, lotion, fleece blankets, etc. Place in a shoe box and tape a note on top saying male or female and the age range appropriate. (Some folks collect items throughout the year -- when items are on sale.)
2. With the high cost of postage, some folks make monetary donations and others are able to buy and assemble boxes on site.
3. Boxes will be picked up in Great Falls and Kalispell. If you are coming through Browning you are more than welcome to notify us of when you will be through, and we will meet you at the church.
Boxes are needed NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 1ST. It is very difficult when they arrive late so please plan ahead and mail early.
Thanks for any help you can give us in our mission to get a gift to every needy child on the reservation. Blessings to you and your families also.
- We are always short on boxes for boys over 12 years old.
- If you are sending a check, please put Shoe Box Gifts on the memo line.
- The UPS and Fed Ex address is 124 US Highway 89, Browning, MT 59417.
- The mailing address is Box 3007, Browning, MT 59417.
Social Principles sermon series
During the month of October, Pastor Charles will be preaching a series of sermons focusing on the Social Principles of The United Methodist Church.
The series will begin on October 5th with a consideration of “The Natural World,” ¶ 160 of the 2012 Book of Discipline.
Preface to the Social Principles:
The United Methodist Church has a long history of concern for social justice. Its members have often taken forthright positions on controversial issues involving Christian principles. Early Methodists expressed their opposition to the slave trade, to smuggling, and to the cruel treatment of prisoners.
A social creed was adopted by The Methodist Episcopal Church (North) in 1908. Within the next decade similar statements were adopted by The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and by The Methodist Protestant Church. The Evangelical United Brethren Church adopted a statement of social principles in 1946 at the time of the uniting of the United Brethren and The Evangelical Church.
In 1972, four years after the uniting in 1968 of The Methodist Church and The Evangelical United Brethren Church, the General Conference of The United Methodist Church adopted a new statement of Social Principles, which was revised in 1976 (and by each successive General Conference).
The Social Principles, while not to be considered church law, are a prayerful and thoughtful effort on the part of the General Conference to speak to the human issues in the contemporary world from a sound biblical and theological foundation as historically demonstrated in United Methodist traditions. They are a call to faithfulness and are intended to be instructive and persuasive in the best of the prophetic spirit. The Social Principles are a call to all members of The United Methodist Church to a prayerful, studied dialogue of faith and practice. (See ¶ 509.)
From The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church - 2012. Copyright 2012 by The United Methodist Publishing House. Used by permission.
The series will begin on October 5th with a consideration of “The Natural World,” ¶ 160 of the 2012 Book of Discipline.
Preface to the Social Principles:
The United Methodist Church has a long history of concern for social justice. Its members have often taken forthright positions on controversial issues involving Christian principles. Early Methodists expressed their opposition to the slave trade, to smuggling, and to the cruel treatment of prisoners.
A social creed was adopted by The Methodist Episcopal Church (North) in 1908. Within the next decade similar statements were adopted by The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and by The Methodist Protestant Church. The Evangelical United Brethren Church adopted a statement of social principles in 1946 at the time of the uniting of the United Brethren and The Evangelical Church.
In 1972, four years after the uniting in 1968 of The Methodist Church and The Evangelical United Brethren Church, the General Conference of The United Methodist Church adopted a new statement of Social Principles, which was revised in 1976 (and by each successive General Conference).
The Social Principles, while not to be considered church law, are a prayerful and thoughtful effort on the part of the General Conference to speak to the human issues in the contemporary world from a sound biblical and theological foundation as historically demonstrated in United Methodist traditions. They are a call to faithfulness and are intended to be instructive and persuasive in the best of the prophetic spirit. The Social Principles are a call to all members of The United Methodist Church to a prayerful, studied dialogue of faith and practice. (See ¶ 509.)
From The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church - 2012. Copyright 2012 by The United Methodist Publishing House. Used by permission.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
JOYS: Thanks be to God for …
Those who serve our country.
Our country.
Autumn is here.
All enjoying better health, including Nurse Linda K.’s daughter Colleen, Trudy F., Mary L. and Marsha P.
Becky B.’s aunt and her husband’s safety after deer ran into their car.
Visitors: Beverly and Bill from New Jersey. (They are planning to relocate to our valley and be closer to their family in Missoula.)
Lila back in worship with us.
The health we enjoy.
Laughter in God’s house.
Today’s potluck lunch after worship.
Empty jam jar donations that will be filled with delicious jam and will be for sale at the fall UMW bazaar.
Scouts popcorn-selling season.
The church family’s support of the UMW’s mission projects.
Wonderful community that supports the local playhouse and its efforts.
Upcoming visits with family and friends.
Our youth and those who support them.
Wonderful Bible studies throughout the week.
The congregation’s prayers for Carol W.’s sister Barb – no disease remains.
Supportive, caring spouses.
All serving in various capacities for the betterment of the church.
All people who work for peace.
Safe travels.
People dealing with the aftermath of recent earthquakes around the world.
Healing mercies for Bev L., Eleanor P., Dusty S., Olivia S., Don H., Marsha P.’s friend who just entered hospice care and Lorraine’s grandson who was involved in a recent automobile accident.
Those who care for the sick.
Travelling mercies and for those not with us today.
All needing God’s mercies.
Unspoken prayers.
Those who serve our country.
Our country.
Autumn is here.
All enjoying better health, including Nurse Linda K.’s daughter Colleen, Trudy F., Mary L. and Marsha P.
Becky B.’s aunt and her husband’s safety after deer ran into their car.
Visitors: Beverly and Bill from New Jersey. (They are planning to relocate to our valley and be closer to their family in Missoula.)
Lila back in worship with us.
The health we enjoy.
Laughter in God’s house.
Today’s potluck lunch after worship.
Empty jam jar donations that will be filled with delicious jam and will be for sale at the fall UMW bazaar.
Scouts popcorn-selling season.
The church family’s support of the UMW’s mission projects.
Wonderful community that supports the local playhouse and its efforts.
Upcoming visits with family and friends.
Our youth and those who support them.
Wonderful Bible studies throughout the week.
The congregation’s prayers for Carol W.’s sister Barb – no disease remains.
Supportive, caring spouses.
All serving in various capacities for the betterment of the church.
All people who work for peace.
Safe travels.
CONCERNS: Oh, Lord, we humbly pray for …
our military Veterans and their families, especially those who are dealing with
“the loss of body, mind and/or spirit.”People dealing with the aftermath of recent earthquakes around the world.
Healing mercies for Bev L., Eleanor P., Dusty S., Olivia S., Don H., Marsha P.’s friend who just entered hospice care and Lorraine’s grandson who was involved in a recent automobile accident.
Those who care for the sick.
Travelling mercies and for those not with us today.
All needing God’s mercies.
Unspoken prayers.
Last Sunday in September
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The Ten Commandments and our Bill of Rights |
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Coming to the end of the harvest |
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Cy and Rollie are ready for Scout popcorn sales |
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"The World's Largest Potluck" is underway |
Our Sunday faith formation (aka, Sunday School) continues to inspire and encourage strong disciples. Carol Gragg has stepped into the role of leader for the youngest learners and has also begun to lead the children's message time during worship.
There were a lot of folk absent from the body this morning during worship, and they were missed. With the choir sharing "And the People Said Amen!," we were encouraged in our worship of the Living God! Both the choir's offering and Pastor Charles' sermon, "The Bill of Rights" (a look at the ten commandments) are available on our YouTube channel.
To conclude our time together, the "World's Largest Potluck" was shared and was every bit as wonderful as advertised!
The Bill of Rights
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A panel from "the Gates of Paradise," by Lorenzo Ghiberti, Opera del Duomo, Florence |
Saturday, September 27, 2014
UMW-Recommended Documentary -- Now in Church Library!
At last week's Western Mountains UMW District Gathering in Great Falls, this documentary about global warming was viewed. Pastor Charles and Belinda just purchased it and have donated it to the church library.
“You Won’t Be Able to Ignore the Effects of Climate Change After Watching This Documentary."
- VOGUE.com, May 16, 2014
If you click on this sentence, you will see a 2-minute video about it.
“You Won’t Be Able to Ignore the Effects of Climate Change After Watching This Documentary."
- VOGUE.com, May 16, 2014
If you click on this sentence, you will see a 2-minute video about it.
Friday, September 26, 2014
It's coming to Stevi UMC!
"The World's Largest Potluck... Ever!" is coming to Stevi UMC on Sunday, September 28th following the worship service!!!
Come for the study groups, celebrate the Lord's Day in worship, and then stay and break bread with the community. It's gonna be a great day!!!
Come for the study groups, celebrate the Lord's Day in worship, and then stay and break bread with the community. It's gonna be a great day!!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Wednesday with the Wired Word
The Wired Word study meets twice each week, once on Sunday morning and again on Wednesday morning. Today's group had a great turn-out and was supervised by a teddy bear that Lynn Moshier had repaired!
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
First day of autumn
Passing of Earl Harper
Monday, September 22, 2014
UMW on the road
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Lunch at the Coffee Cup |
Visited today were:
+Linda Massa Youth Home (formerly Bitterroot Youth Home) (shelter for 10-to-18-year-olds who need to be out of their homes for various reasons & who stay for from a month up to a year).
+S.A.F.E. (Supporters of Abuse-Free Environment for abused women & children).
+Emma’s House (the one-stop interview center for abused children).
The group took a token gift basket to each including items that are needed at each facility.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
JOYS: Thanks be to God for …
Those who serve our country.
Our country.
The return of George and Sue C. to be in worship with us.
All enjoying better health, including Nurse Linda K.’s daughter Colleen, Bev L., Jerry H., George and Sue C., Judy F.’s friends Joanne and Peggy.
The health we enjoy.
Wonderful Chimes Choir.
Laughter in God’s house.
Ed S.’s elder sister is in love.
Wonderful Bible studies throughout the week.
The congregation’s prayers for Carol W.’s sister Barb – no disease remains.
The arrival of Carol W.’s new grandbaby.
And excitement about Carol W.’s other grandbaby who is about to be born.
Excitement about upcoming community playhouse’s production of “Oliver.”
Supportive, caring spouses.
Wonderful Western Mountains UMW District’s fall gathering this weekend.
The UMW’s mission outreach activities, including our UMW unit’s donation of four boxes of health/school items to the Blackfeet UM Parish (BUMP).
All serving in various capacities for the betterment of the church.
Safe travels.
The return of Parsonage Kitty Wesley early this morning – after a night out and about -- on the loose. (Whew.)
CONCERNS: Oh, Lord, we humbly pray for …
The family and friends of the two combat-related military and one Department of Defense deaths in Afghanistan last week.
All our military Veterans and their families, especially those who are dealing with “the loss of body, mind and/or spirit.”
The people involved with the response to the Ebola outbreak crisis, including Stevensville’s Megan K. (Doctors without Borders).
Incredible amount of violence in the world today.
Healing mercies for Bev L., Gretchen S., Trudy F., Gail F., Mary L., Eleanor P., Gretchen M., Kim J., Becky B., Cindy and her mother Judy, Lynn M.’s brother John and Woody I.’s brother Frank.
The family and friends mourning the deaths of Sharon W.’s unborn twin boys, Joseph and Michael. (The congregation blessed a prayer shawl for parents Kyle and Kristen.)
Travelling mercies and for those not with us today.
The family and friends mourning the death of Derrick Brown – in the Florence community.
All needing God’s mercies.
All needing God’s peace. (Today is the “World Day of Peace” – designated by the World Council of Churches.)
Unspoken prayers.
Those who serve our country.
Our country.
The return of George and Sue C. to be in worship with us.
All enjoying better health, including Nurse Linda K.’s daughter Colleen, Bev L., Jerry H., George and Sue C., Judy F.’s friends Joanne and Peggy.
The health we enjoy.
Wonderful Chimes Choir.
Laughter in God’s house.
Ed S.’s elder sister is in love.
Wonderful Bible studies throughout the week.
The congregation’s prayers for Carol W.’s sister Barb – no disease remains.
The arrival of Carol W.’s new grandbaby.
And excitement about Carol W.’s other grandbaby who is about to be born.
Excitement about upcoming community playhouse’s production of “Oliver.”
Supportive, caring spouses.
Wonderful Western Mountains UMW District’s fall gathering this weekend.
The UMW’s mission outreach activities, including our UMW unit’s donation of four boxes of health/school items to the Blackfeet UM Parish (BUMP).
All serving in various capacities for the betterment of the church.
Safe travels.
The return of Parsonage Kitty Wesley early this morning – after a night out and about -- on the loose. (Whew.)
CONCERNS: Oh, Lord, we humbly pray for …
The family and friends of the two combat-related military and one Department of Defense deaths in Afghanistan last week.
All our military Veterans and their families, especially those who are dealing with “the loss of body, mind and/or spirit.”
The people involved with the response to the Ebola outbreak crisis, including Stevensville’s Megan K. (Doctors without Borders).
Incredible amount of violence in the world today.
Healing mercies for Bev L., Gretchen S., Trudy F., Gail F., Mary L., Eleanor P., Gretchen M., Kim J., Becky B., Cindy and her mother Judy, Lynn M.’s brother John and Woody I.’s brother Frank.
The family and friends mourning the deaths of Sharon W.’s unborn twin boys, Joseph and Michael. (The congregation blessed a prayer shawl for parents Kyle and Kristen.)
Travelling mercies and for those not with us today.
The family and friends mourning the death of Derrick Brown – in the Florence community.
All needing God’s mercies.
All needing God’s peace. (Today is the “World Day of Peace” – designated by the World Council of Churches.)
Unspoken prayers.
Wonderful morning at SUMC
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A picture-perfect morning in the Valley |
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Fellowship this morning |
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Fellowship at SUMC |
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Fellowship continues at Frontier Cafe` |
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Fellowship continues at Frontier Cafe` |
International Day of Peace
Each year on Sept. 21 the World Council of Churches (WCC) calls churches and parishes to observe the International Day of Prayer for Peace.
General Board of Church & Society link
International Day of Peace website
World Council of Churches website
General Board of Church & Society link
International Day of Peace website
World Council of Churches website
Prayer for today
Grant us, Lord, not to be anxious about earthly things, but to
love things heavenly; and even now, while we are placed among
things that are passing away, to hold fast to those that shall
endure; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
love things heavenly; and even now, while we are placed among
things that are passing away, to hold fast to those that shall
endure; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
District UMW @ Great Falls!
Belinda Alkula and Carol Gragg attended the United Methodist Women's (UMW's) Western Mountains District's fall gathering in Great Falls today, which was fun, informative and inspiring! One of the interesting videos that was show was a wonderful 2-minute video about Alma Mathews. Click on this sentence to see it!
Wonderful week!
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"Jesus in the Gospels" study members |
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Contributions to the Blackfeet UM Parish |
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Signs of fall at the parsonage |
Today Carol G. and Belinda A. took four boxes of school supplies and other items to the district UMW meeting in Great Falls. These items will be taken to the Blackfeet UM Parish to share with our brothers and sisters along the north border of Montana!
Thursday, September 18, 2014
New website features
In order to better provide an effective social media ministry at Stevi UMC, three surveys have been added to the website.
First time guests (at a SUMC worship service) and second time guests have a link which allows them to give us feedback as to their experience with the Stevi UMC faith community.
Website visitors also have an opportunity to provide feedback.
Please help us get the word out about what is happening in the life of the congregation by visiting the church on-line calendar.
First time guests (at a SUMC worship service) and second time guests have a link which allows them to give us feedback as to their experience with the Stevi UMC faith community.
Website visitors also have an opportunity to provide feedback.
Please help us get the word out about what is happening in the life of the congregation by visiting the church on-line calendar.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Parsonage painting project - done!
Thanks to John Fisher and Ben Longbottom the final touches of the parsonage painting project were completed today. The new-look parsonage is really something! Thanks to everyone who contributed their time and talents in getting the parsonage looking so amazing!
Game Night canceled
The game night scheduled for Friday, September 19th, has been canceled for this morning. Please look to the calendar in October for a great evening of fun and fellowship!!!
UMW field trip
The UMW are taking a trip to Hamilton on Monday, September 21st to tour 3 facilities that our UMW supports:
+Linda Massa Youth Home (formerly Bitterroot Youth Home) (shelter for 10-to-18-year-olds who need to be out of their homes for various reasons & who stay for from a month up to a year).
+S.A.F.E. (Supporters of Abuse-Free Environment for abused women & children).
We plan to bring token gift basket to each. The youth home & safe house need toiletries, paper goods, diapers, socks & wash cloths. Emma’s House doesn’t keep kids overnight -- they can use snacks like packaged cheese & crackers, energy bars, etc.
We’ll carpool, leaving the church at 9:15 am. We’ll have a no-host lunch in Hamilton at the Coffee Cup.
We’ll carpool, leaving the church at 9:15 am. We’ll have a no-host lunch in Hamilton at the Coffee Cup.
Please call Carole Koval at 777-0018 or email her at ckdk@cybernet1.com if you want to go.
Monday, September 15, 2014
A note from Marcia Prather
"Hey Bitterroot friends, please come to the Florence Carlton Community Church Friday at 6 pm for the fundraiser for the medical mission to Tanzania that Mary Costello and I will be going on in May 2015.
There will be a soup dinner at 6 pm as well as a silent auction with awesome stuff and a dessert auction. Proceeds go to buy medications and supplies."
Sunday's scripture lesson
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Gathering Manna by Friedrich Brunner (1498) |
Sunday's sermon text continues our readings from Exodus. This week we'll hear about the experience of the Israelites being fed with manna and quail.
Exodus 16:2-15
Sunday, September 14, 2014
JOYS: Thanks be to God for …
The Department of Defense's announcement that there were no combat-related military deaths last week.
Last week's announcement that the remains of a World War II soldier were found; burial will be in Arlington National Cemetery this week.
Those who serve our country.
Our country.
Visitor in church: Donna from Indiana, who is here for her son’s wedding.
All enjoying better health, including nurse Linda K.’s daughter Colleen – who completed 27 rounds of chemo therapy, and there is no indications of disease at this time.
The health we enjoy.
Healing blessings for Lynn M.’s friend Ed K.
16th anniversary of Paul L. serving as a choral music director of the pre-worship Hymn Sing at the church … with his lovely wife Julie L. – and – he said he feels today the way he did when he started those years ago.
Parsonage painting effort – great accomplishment, great fellowship.
Empty jam jars requested, so that they will be filled with delicious jam – for sale at this fall’s UMW bazaar.
The wonderful, special 8-day camping trip that Ed S. enjoyed with his 30-year-old granddaughter.
Excitement about Ryder’s first day at Head Start tomorrow.
Excitement about Sam B.’s return to college next week.
Excitement about upcoming family fishing trip involving Les and Hazel S.’s 4 boats and children and dogs.
The church choir and chimes choir’s return after the summer break.
Wonderful choir director Brenda B.
Wonderful church musicians.
Laughter in God’s house.
Those who preserve our heritage.
Supportive, caring spouses.
Gift of home.
The Western Mountains UMW District’s collection of needed health/school supplies.
The UMW’s mission outreach activities.
All serving in various capacities for the betterment of the church.
Safe travels.
The people involved with the response to the Ebola outbreak crisis, including Stevensville’s Megan K. (Doctors without Borders).
Healing mercies for Bev L., Gretchen S., Trudy and Clay F., George and Sue C., Gail F., Mary L., Eleanor P., Gretchen M., Kim J., one of Sharon W.’s unborn twin grandsons, Cindy and her mother Judy, Lynn M.’s brother John and Woody I.’s brother Frank.
Travelling mercies.
Those not with us today.
All needing God’s mercies.
All needing God’s peace.
Unspoken prayers.
The Department of Defense's announcement that there were no combat-related military deaths last week.
Last week's announcement that the remains of a World War II soldier were found; burial will be in Arlington National Cemetery this week.
Those who serve our country.
Our country.
Visitor in church: Donna from Indiana, who is here for her son’s wedding.
All enjoying better health, including nurse Linda K.’s daughter Colleen – who completed 27 rounds of chemo therapy, and there is no indications of disease at this time.
The health we enjoy.
Healing blessings for Lynn M.’s friend Ed K.
16th anniversary of Paul L. serving as a choral music director of the pre-worship Hymn Sing at the church … with his lovely wife Julie L. – and – he said he feels today the way he did when he started those years ago.
Parsonage painting effort – great accomplishment, great fellowship.
Empty jam jars requested, so that they will be filled with delicious jam – for sale at this fall’s UMW bazaar.
The wonderful, special 8-day camping trip that Ed S. enjoyed with his 30-year-old granddaughter.
Excitement about Ryder’s first day at Head Start tomorrow.
Excitement about Sam B.’s return to college next week.
Excitement about upcoming family fishing trip involving Les and Hazel S.’s 4 boats and children and dogs.
The church choir and chimes choir’s return after the summer break.
Wonderful choir director Brenda B.
Wonderful church musicians.
Laughter in God’s house.
Those who preserve our heritage.
Supportive, caring spouses.
Gift of home.
The Western Mountains UMW District’s collection of needed health/school supplies.
The UMW’s mission outreach activities.
All serving in various capacities for the betterment of the church.
Safe travels.
CONCERNS: Oh, Lord, we humbly pray for …
our military Veterans and their families, especially those who are dealing with
“the loss of body, mind and/or spirit.”The people involved with the response to the Ebola outbreak crisis, including Stevensville’s Megan K. (Doctors without Borders).
Healing mercies for Bev L., Gretchen S., Trudy and Clay F., George and Sue C., Gail F., Mary L., Eleanor P., Gretchen M., Kim J., one of Sharon W.’s unborn twin grandsons, Cindy and her mother Judy, Lynn M.’s brother John and Woody I.’s brother Frank.
Travelling mercies.
Those not with us today.
All needing God’s mercies.
All needing God’s peace.
Unspoken prayers.
"Wake up, church!"
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We love to learn at SUMC! |
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Bob, Sara, and some of the children are learning too! |
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The choir warms up before worship |
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Fellowship time is a must @ SUMC! |
Wow, what a morning we had at Stevi UMC!!! From every corner of the church there came the sounds of music, laughter, and learning.
The two adult classes merged into one large group this morning and shared the Wired Word material. There was a lot of sharing and exchanging of ideas around the tables - thanks to Belinda and Lisa for leading the discussion.
Not to be outdone, the children, led this morning by Bob E. and Sara M. took to the balcony and enacted stories from the Old Testament.
Our worship service saw the return of the choir after its summer hiatus. Their anthem, "Wake Up, Church!" was fantastic and really energized our worship!
This evening the Book Group gathered at the Kootenai Village Clubhouse for its first gathering after its summer hiatus. The book discussed today was "In From the Wilderness" by the Rev. David Weekly.
Collect for the 14th Sunday after Pentecost
O God, because without you we are not able to please you,
mercifully grant that your Holy Spirit may in all things direct
and rule our hearts; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives
and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and
for ever. Amen.
mercifully grant that your Holy Spirit may in all things direct
and rule our hearts; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives
and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and
for ever. Amen.
Book of Common Prayer
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Painting project, pt. 6
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Taking a break under the apple tree |
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Last of the old paint being covered |
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Ben takes care of the roof task |
Thanks to everyone who helped make this effort such a success!!!
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