It was a blustery morning in Stevensville, the perfect time to come to learn, grow, and share in our faith.
Our chimes returned to the worship service this morning, sharing "Blest Be the Tie That Binds." Pastor Charles' sermon, "Going to extremes," was taken from James 5:13-16, 19-20.
Fellowship this morning was a tasty affair with our fifth Sunday potluck bringing smiles to one and all.
Thanks this morning to: Amanda Hermes (Nursery), Roberta Zielinski & joey Diers (Ushers), Paul Ludington (Praise music), Hazen & Ava (Acolytes), Julie Ludington (Pianist), Amy Farrell (Liturgist), Cammie Edgar (power point), Lisa Nicholls (Video), Marilyn Murphy (Chimes), Kendra Ruff (children's lessons), and Dean Diers & Cammie Edgar (Offering counters).