Thanks to Liz Goddard for leading the UMW choir in rehearsal this morning with accompaniment by Hazel Smith.
Participating this morning were: Belinda Alkula, Judy Fraser, Carol Goffe, Carole Koval, Lisa Nicholls, Connie Rakiecki, Anna Storkson, and Julie Weindel.
"Through the power of Christ, we are learning to live in simplicity, thankfulness, contentment and
generosity in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana."
generosity in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana."
Friday, November 30, 2018
Advent: What Does It Mean to Wait?
It has often been said that waiting has become more difficult for us, as
a society, now that technology has cut time-frames in accessing and
downloading information, in cooking our food, and in the time it takes
to watch a whole season of a show. The logic goes like this: the shorter
completion times create a shorter attention span, and this shorter
attention span extends to all areas of our lives. Thus, where waiting
might have been considered part of normal everyday life at one time, it
is often met now with frustration, confusion, even despair.
Read more at this link.
Read more at this link.
United Methodism today: Wesley’s movement continues
A Feature by Joe Iovino*
Read more at this link.
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Extra choir practice this week
The choir is working diligently to prepare for this coming Sunday's worship service. This year is the sixty-first Hanging of the Greens and will be a blessing for one and all!
Wesley hymn devotions for Advent and Christmas
These devotions draw on the hymns of Charles Wesley to help us reflect upon the miracle of Christmas, when “the Word became flesh and lived among us” (John 1:14, NRSV).
Read more at this link.
UMW board at work
The Stevensville United Methodist Women board met today to plan for the coming year's activities and ministries for the Unit.
Big changes are coming to the Stevensville UMW in 2019: Come be part of the excitement that is today's UMW!!
Big changes are coming to the Stevensville UMW in 2019: Come be part of the excitement that is today's UMW!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Hanging of the Greens is next week
Invite everyone you know to share in this wonderful way to enter into the Advent season and the buildup to Christmas Day!
Giving Tuesday & The UMC
Give to the Greatest Need
Support mission work with a gift to the overall work of Global Ministries.
Support programs for disaster recovery and more with a gift to the overall work of UMCOR.
Browse Projects - Search for particular Advance projects or discover new ones. Begin your search by exploring options at this link. These buttons will lead to new pages with additional search options.
Monday, November 26, 2018
This week @ Stevi UMC
1:00 pm, Drop-in Bible Study @ TLC
7:00 pm, Living Clean
Tuesday: Giving Tuesday
7:00 pm, Choir practice
8:00 am, WIC
10:00 am, Luke-Acts Bible study
10:00 am, UMW board
7:00 pm, SPPRC
10:00 am, Drop-in Bible Study @ the church
10:00 am, UMW choir practice
10:15 am, Praise singing
10:30 am, 61st Hanging of the Greens
10:45 am, Church school
11:30 am, Fellowship time
Sunday, November 25, 2018
The fnal Sunday of the church year
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We remember and give thanks |
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Dave leading the praise singing |
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Kendra shares with the children |
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In memory of Mary Lyon |
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Julie offers an anthem |
The church year draws to a close this week as we observe Christ the King Sunday.
Special music was shared by Bill Lyon, "For Mary." The anthem was offered today by Julie Weindel who shared "He Lives." Pastor Charles' sermon, "The view from the Throne" was taken from Revelation 1:4b-7.
This morning we received the 19th annual Thank Offering, with our pledges going to designated special ministries in the Bitterroot Valley, in Montana, and around the world in 2019.
Thanks this morning to: Lynda Fisher (Nursery), Dave Lockman (Praise music), Hazen & Katie Rose (Acolytes), Bev Schneider (Liturgist), Belinda Alkula (video), Hazel Smith (Organist), Julie Weindel (Anthem), Bill Lyon (Anthem), Kendra Ruff (Holy Moly), Dean Diers & Don Nelson (Offering counters), Arlene Halfhide & Mary Costello (Greeters), and Mary Costello & Cammie Edgar (Fellowship).
United Methodist Student Day
Across the country, the people of The United Methodist Church are serving the people God loves in Jesus’ name. We’re doing it at home, but so often we’d like to do more.
- We want to serve those in other places who are suffering.
- We want to offer spiritual words of hope and life.
- And we want to be well-equipped to do both!
But the reality for most of us is that our responsibilities—home, family, work—don’t allow us to engage with every need we’d like to meet.
Right now there are UMC young people—who might not have had the resources to attend a school of their choice, or, for some, any school at all—who’ve been sent by you into the world God loves because of your giving to United Methodist Student Day. When you give generously you are support these students as they prepare for a life that unites faith with knowledge.
Read more at this link.
Christ the King Sunday
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Ivan Rachov |
~ ~ ~
Splendor and honor and kingly power
are Yours by right, O Lord our God,
For You created everything that is,
and by Your will they were created and
are Yours by right, O Lord our God,
For You created everything that is,
and by Your will they were created and
have their being;
And Yours by right, O Lamb that was slain,
for with Your blood You have redeemed for God,
From every family, language, people, and nation,
a kingdom of priests to serve our God.
And so, to Him who sits upon the throne,
and to Christ the Lamb,
Be worship and praise, dominion and splendor,
for ever and for evermore.
And Yours by right, O Lamb that was slain,
for with Your blood You have redeemed for God,
From every family, language, people, and nation,
a kingdom of priests to serve our God.
And so, to Him who sits upon the throne,
and to Christ the Lamb,
Be worship and praise, dominion and splendor,
for ever and for evermore.
Book of Common Prayer, 1979
(Revelation 4:11; 5:9-10, 13)
(Painting - Ivan Rachov, Lamb of God, Ceiling of the Apostolic Nuntiature
(Vatican Embassy) in Sofia, Bulgaria)
(Painting - Ivan Rachov, Lamb of God, Ceiling of the Apostolic Nuntiature
(Vatican Embassy) in Sofia, Bulgaria)
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Advent Photo-a-Day Challenge
We have a challenge for this holiday season: Pause.
We're giving occasion to pause in our Advent Photo-a-Day challenge. We'll send out one word a day.
Take some time to pause, reflect, and post a picture in response to the word. Tag your post with #RethinkChurch!
Christmas Sharing Tree
Sharing Tree tags are coming next week and will be found on the small Christmas tree across from the
office. Each tag gives the age, sex, needs, and sizes of a needy child
who lives in Stevensville, Victor, or Florence.
Take 1 or more
tags, put your name and phone number on the bottom receipt, tear off
and place in the basket. Most of the tags are for warm clothes, boots,
or gloves for children 11-18. You do not have to buy all items listed.
Go shopping, asking for gift receipts in case an item needs to be
returned. It is helpful,l but not necessary, to include a box and
wrapping paper Then place your gifts in a plastic trash bag with gift
receipts, securing the tag to the outside, and deliver your bag(s) to
the church before Dec. 11 where the gifts will be picked up by a Sharing
Tree volunteer.
Beth Perkins, Sharing Tree
Coordinator, says about 400 bags will be distributed Dec. 18. They try
to include toiletry items for older children, and toys for the little
ones. If you are unable to shop, you can mail a check to Sharing Tree,
PO Box 747, Stevensville, MT 59870. If you wish to volunteer, call
Beth Perkins at 406-207-5748. God bless you for sharing your love with
those less fortunate.
Submitted by Hazel Smith, Mission Education/Social Action Coordinator for UMW
Friday, November 23, 2018
Skip Black Friday this year
Advance hope, love and healing around the world on November 27!
United Methodists will come together to support vital ministry projects and missionaries around the world on #GivingTuesday as they generously #GiveUMC. Giving through The Advance empowers hundreds of dedicated project leaders and missionaries to share the love of Christ in meaningful, life-saving ways. As always, 100% of all giving will support the designated Advance ministry!
How will you #GiveUMC? Find a project you are passionate about and make a donation!
Thursday, November 22, 2018
A Morning Prayer of Thanksgiving
Loving God, Creator of all that has been, all that is, and all that is to come; You made us human and gave us hearts to love you and follow you.
We thank you for the many blessings you have given us over this past year.
God, we thank you for all of the blessings you have given us throughout our lives:
Food to eat,
Clothes to wear,
Shelter from the storm,
People who love us unconditionally.
We thank you for their love because we recognize
that their love for us is a reflection of your love.
We acknowledge that there are times in our lives
We acknowledge that there are times in our lives
when we, ourselves, feel unloved and unlovable.
Give us the grace to love others, even when they
Give us the grace to love others, even when they
are difficult.
We trust in your faithfulness to carry us over the rough places of life.
We trust in your love to walk with us through the difficulties of our days.
We trust in your promise of life everlasting and put all
We trust in your love to walk with us through the difficulties of our days.
We trust in your promise of life everlasting and put all
of our hope in you.
We thank you for Jesus.
We thank you that he died so that we might have eternal life.
We thank you that he died so that we might have eternal life.
Forgive us for our sins:
The things you asked us to do and we failed to do
As well as the things you told us not to do but we did anyway.
We are sorry and we ask that you will strengthen us
So that we will always follow you.
So that we will always follow you.
We pray that your Holy Spirit will be felt by people who are in pain in mind, body or spirit.
help them to know that you are with them
and you are able to carry them through their trials.
help them to know that you are with them
and you are able to carry them through their trials.
Bless our church family.
Bless our community.
Bless our nation.
Bless our world.
Bless our community.
Bless our nation.
Bless our world.
Enable us to live so that your will might be made manifest in the world around us. We ask all these things in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior who taught us to pray as he taught his disciples:
(The Lord's Prayer)
The Rev. Dr. LaGretta Bjorn is the pastor of the United Methodist Church of Spring Valley in Spring Valley, New York, and is a clergy member of the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
The November edition of Worship on Wednesday (WOW) took place tonight in The Living Center's second floor meeting space.
Thanks to Carole Koval, Bill Lyon, and Connie Rakiecki (from Sunrise) for sharing their musical gifts with us tonight.
Thanks to Carole Koval, Bill Lyon, and Connie Rakiecki (from Sunrise) for sharing their musical gifts with us tonight.
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Advent / Christmas Devotionals
The print version of our Advent/Christmas devotional, The Names of Jesus, will be available next Sunday at the church. Beginning on December 2, daily entries will be posted to our blog and on our Facebook page.
Monday, November 19, 2018
Passing of Tom Bishop
It is with sadness that we report the news this morning
of the death of Tom Bishop.
of the death of Tom Bishop.
A memorial service will be held on December 29,
11:00 am at the Stevensville UMC.
11:00 am at the Stevensville UMC.
This week @ Stevi UMC
7:00 pm, Living Clean
7:00 pm, Choir practice
8:00 am, WIC
10:00 am, Luke-Acts Bible study
6:00 pm, WOW at The Living Center
10:00 am, Drop-in Bible Study @ Doris T.
10:15 am, Praise singing
10:30 am, Worship
10:45 am, Church school
11:30 am, Fellowship time
11:45 am, Chime practice
The scripture lessons for Christ the King Sunday
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Christ Pantocrator - Cathedral of Cefalù,Italy |
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Celebration Sunday!
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Donna Lewis and Dave Lockman leading a song |
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"Goliath" |
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Cale Fisher as "Goliath" & Ollie as "David" |
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It's the Celebration Potluck! |
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John Soper samples the potluck fare |
This morning was also the day we received the annual Commitment Sunday offering, our pledges toward the work of the Stevi UMC in 2019.
Following worship we gathered in the fellowship hall for the annual Celebration Sunday potluck!
Thanks this morning to: Amanda Hermes (Nursery), Dave Lockman (Praise music), Hazen & Katie Rose (Acolyte)s, Dean Diers (Liturgist), Belinda Alkula (power point/video), Hazel Smith (Organist), Brenda Bolton (Choir), Sara Malo (Holy Moly), Don Nelson & Kathy Wood (Offering counters), Arlene Halfhide & Ed Sperry (Greeters/Ushers), and Celebration Sunday Potluck.
Friday, November 16, 2018
Celebrate with us!
We're celebrating our commitment to the ministries being offered through Stevi UMC next Sunday!
During worship we'll be receiving the pledge cards during a special offering. Afterwards, we will share a fabulous potluck meal together!!!
During worship we'll be receiving the pledge cards during a special offering. Afterwards, we will share a fabulous potluck meal together!!!
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Farewell to Bill Schneider
The community gathered this evening to say goodbye to Bill Schneider.
Thanks to Hazel Smith for providing the musical accompaniment. Thanks also to the many contributors to the UMW reception that was shared following the service.
Thanks to Hazel Smith for providing the musical accompaniment. Thanks also to the many contributors to the UMW reception that was shared following the service.
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Monday, November 12, 2018
Wildfires in California
As thousands flee wildfires in California, UMCOR is in close conversation with the disaster response coordinators of the California-Pacific and California-Nevada Conferences of The United Methodist Church.
UMCOR is already actively engaged in California in response to previous wildfires and we anticipate supporting both conferences as they identify and respond to the needs of the populations affected by the current wildfires.
We pray for the safety of the firefighters and first responders as well as those evacuating their homes. UMCOR stands ready to support the response of the conferences with relief kits, Early Response Teams, and funding.
Support the work of UMCOR's Current Disaster Response at this link.
Scripture lessons for November 18
The scripture lessons for next Sunday come to us from Joel 2:21-27 and Mark 13:1-8.
This week @ Stevi UMC
7:00 pm, Living Clean
7:00 pm, Choir practice
8:00 am, WIC
10:00 am, Luke-Acts Bible study
12:30 pm, Stewardship/Finance
6:30 pm, Worship team
1:00 pm, Senior Moments, too
3:00 pm, Shepherding
5:00 pm, Bill Schneider memorial service
10:00 am, Drop-in Bible Study @ Doris T.
10:15 am, Praise singing
10:30 am, Worship
10:45 am, Church school
11:30 am, Celebration Sunday Potluck
11:45 am, Chime practice
7:00 pm, Living Clean
7:00 pm, Choir practice
8:00 am, WIC
10:00 am, Luke-Acts Bible study
12:30 pm, Stewardship/Finance
6:30 pm, Worship team
1:00 pm, Senior Moments, too
3:00 pm, Shepherding
5:00 pm, Bill Schneider memorial service
10:00 am, Drop-in Bible Study @ Doris T.
10:15 am, Praise singing
10:30 am, Worship
10:45 am, Church school
11:30 am, Celebration Sunday Potluck
11:45 am, Chime practice
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Sunday morning @ Stevi UMC
It was a wonderful morning at Stevi UMC as Kendra Ruff presented four of our children were presented with their own Bibles: Ollie, Orion, Hazen, & Katie Rose (Ava and Tiegen will receive theirs later).
This morning the choir shared "For the Beauty of the Earth" as their offering to God. Pastor Charles' sermon, "Going all in," was taken from Mark 12:38-42.
Thanks this morning to: Lynda Fisher (Nursery), Paul Ludington (Praise music), Hazen & Katie Rose (Acolyte)s, John Fisher (Liturgist), Belinda Alkula (power point), Sara Malo (video), Julie Ludington (Pianist), Brenda Bolton (Choir), Kendra Ruff (Holy Moly), Ruth Cleveland & Don Nelson (Offering counters), Arlene Halfhide & Ed Sperry (Greeters/Ushers), and Cathy Hackett and Mary Hackett (Fellowship).
This morning the choir shared "For the Beauty of the Earth" as their offering to God. Pastor Charles' sermon, "Going all in," was taken from Mark 12:38-42.
Thanks this morning to: Lynda Fisher (Nursery), Paul Ludington (Praise music), Hazen & Katie Rose (Acolyte)s, John Fisher (Liturgist), Belinda Alkula (power point), Sara Malo (video), Julie Ludington (Pianist), Brenda Bolton (Choir), Kendra Ruff (Holy Moly), Ruth Cleveland & Don Nelson (Offering counters), Arlene Halfhide & Ed Sperry (Greeters/Ushers), and Cathy Hackett and Mary Hackett (Fellowship).
Passing of Bill Schneider
It is with sadness this morning that we report the death of Bill Schneider.
A memorial service will be held on Thursday at 5:00 pm.
A memorial service will be held on Thursday at 5:00 pm.
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