"Through the power of Christ, we are learning to live in simplicity, thankfulness, contentment and
generosity in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana."


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Hanging of the Greens is this weekend

Sunrise warms up on Wednesday afternoon
The choir gets in a second practice this week

The 60th annual Hanging of the Greens will be offered to the glory of God this weekend during our Sunday morning worship service.

The music ministry is putting in extra practice to prepare and a blessing is sure to be had for those present. 

The service will be recorded and put on the Stevi UMC YouTube channel.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Hanging of the Greens next Sunday

The music ministry of Stevi UMC will offer to the 60th annual the Hanging of the Greens on the First Sunday of Advent (December 3). 

This offering to God will take place during the worship service and is sure to help us focus on the "reason for the season."

One day, so many opportunities to help

This week @ Stevi UMC


7:00 pm, Living Clean


6:30 pm, Choir

8:00 am, WIC


6:00 pm, Cub Scouts
6:30 pm, Special choir practice

10:00 am, Drop-in Bible Study, #1
6:00 pm, Stevi church tour

8:00 am, Corvallis UMC bazaar

9:15 am, Children's church school
10:15 am, Praise singing                                                   
10:30 am, Worship / Hanging of the Greens Cantata
11:30 am, Fellowship time  

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Last Sunday of the church year

This Sunday, Christ the King Sunday, was the last Sunday on the liturgical calendar.

Our musical offering came from Sunrise (Cleo Guenther, Carole Koval, Bill Lyon, and Connie Rakiecki) which shared twice during worship.

Rev. Lois Hansen brought today's sermon.

A Prayer for Christ the King Sunday

Mosaic - Pantocrator - Palermo (Sicily)
Lord, You who we pretend to know so well
in our creeds, in our prayers, in our masquerades:
Today, we want to see Jesus.

Today, we want to experience the Holy Spirit's presence.

Today, we come to worship You.

Help us be real. Help us be ready. Help us be honest.

Because we need You,
We need You here,
in our hearts be Priest, hearing our confessions,
in our minds be King of our thoughts,
in our lives be Prophetic voice and action. Amen.

The Rev. Nathan Decker is the pastor of the South Sussex Charge of the Petersburg District of the Virginia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. 

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Giving Tuesday is coming up soon

A Prayer of Thanksgiving

This classic prayer of thanksgiving is adapted from the Book of Common Prayer:

Accept, O Lord, our thanks and praise for all that You’ve done for us. We thank You for the splendor of the whole creation, for the wonder of life, and for the mystery of love.

We thank You for the blessing of family and friends, and for the loving care which surrounds us on every side.
We thank You for our successes, which satisfy and delight us — but also for the disappointments and failures that lead us to acknowledge our dependence on You alone.

Above all, we thankYou for Your Son, Jesus Christ — for the truth of His Word and the example of His life.

We thank you for His dying, through which he overcame death — and for His rising to life again, in which we are raised to the life of Your Kingdom.

Father, may we — at all times and in all places — give thanks to You in all things. Amen.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Advent study starts November 29

Join the Wednesday morning study (10 am) at Stevi UMC for a study that is sure to bring Christmas closer this year! 

The group will begin the study next Wednesday, November 29.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Betty Lowell's Gala

Betty Lowell's 90th Birthday Open House will be at the Stevensville Senior Center, 100 Mission St, StevensvilleSaturday, December 9th, 3:00-6:00 p.m. 

Since Betty has so many friends, there is a need for donations of home-baked cookies and or bars that will be shared at the Open House.  If you are able to do this, please communicate directly to her daughter, Terry Bivens:  terrybivens@sbcglobal.net ; 812-989-2820.  

UMC #GivingTuesday 2017


On November 28, 2017, United Methodists will once again come together to support the work of Advance missionaries and projects on UMC #GivingTuesday.

Consider supporting a project in an area you care about, such as food and agriculture, church development, disaster response and relief, education, health, economic empowerment, social justice, WASH/Water and Sanitation, women and children, and mission personnel.

 For a complete list of projects, visit The Advance.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Advent Photo-a-Day Challenge

Advent begins on December 3, and so does the Advent Photo-a-Day Challenge. Who's in?

Learn more about the season of Advent and our PAD Challenge: http://www.rethinkchurch.org/articles/christmas

Christ the King Sunday

Adoration of the Lamb - Jan van Eyck
The church year draws to a close next Sunday with Christ the King Sunday. 

UMDiscipleship says this about this day:

"So far, we’ve talked mostly about ourselves as saints or potential saints. Today, at the end of one church year and the cusp of the next, we speak and sing primarily of the one around whom the universe itself pivots, Christ the King, Shepherd of the saints.  Christ, our Shepherd-King gathers and makes saints from the most marginalized, damaged, abused, abandoned people on earth, leading the saints to eternal life now and in the new creation."

Scripture lessons from the lectionary are:
  • Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24
  • Psalm 100 
  • Ephesians 1:15-23
  • Matthew 25:31-46

This week @ Stevi UMC


3:30 pm, Girl Scouts
7:00 pm, Living Clean

Tuesday:  7:00 pm, Choir

Thursday: Thanksgiving Day

9:15 am, Children's church school
10:15 am, Praise singing                                                   
10:30 am, Worship
11:30 am, Fellowship time 11:45 am, Chime practice

Sunday, November 19, 2017

A beautiful November morning

What a delightful morning we enjoyed at Stevi UMC! 

In our worship the chimes offered praise to God with "Even so, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come." Pastor Charles' sermon, "The words we long to hear," came from Matthew 4:14-30. 
Thanks this morning to: Paul Ludington (praise music), Julie Ludington (piano), Tom Bishop (video), Dean Diers (liturgist), Ava & Ollie (acolytes), Cammie Edgar (power point), Sharon Brown & Ed Sperry (greeter/usher), Marilyn Murphy (chimes), Belinda Alkula, Cammie Edgar, Judy Fraser, and Linda Kauffman (fellowship).

Saturday, November 18, 2017

A word from Bishop Oliveto

Praying for the clergy and laity of the Mountain Sky Area as we prepare for worship on Sunday.

I flew to Austin today to speak at a church, and was reminded that it is the weekend before Thanksgiving—lines were long and planes were full!

I find it interesting that Thanksgiving, a secular holiday, is one the least commercialized. Christmas has been turned into a shopping frenzy with more than an inn that has no room for the Christ Child. Easter has become literally sugar-coated, with chocolate bunnies and jelly beans, a far cry from celebrating the resurrection. 

But then there’s Thanksgiving. Let’s face it, marketing turkeys just isn’t very sexy. But its more than that, you can’t manufacture and sell gratitude.

Gratitude is not forced optimism, a denial of real pain and loss, the power of positive thinking, a focus on the good things on life.

It is a posture and a prayer.

Albert Einstein once said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Thanksgiving invites us to live our lives as if everything is a miracle:
The sky as dusk descends
The birth of a child
The community that comes together when there is a loss
The taste and texture of a perfectly ripened strawberry
People helping people
The abundance that is revealed when we share
The amount of light a single candle gives off in the darkness
The opening of one’s heart to love after it has been broken
A warm bed on a cold night

Thanksgiving invites us to remember the miracles that are waiting to be discovered in each and every day we are given, and to uncurl our fist and open our hearts to accept them with gratitude.

Tomorrow, “Come, ye thankful people, come!” Come to kindle anew your sense of wonder and gratitude for all God’s good gifts in your life.

Bishop Karen

November's UMW Saturday Circle

The Saturday UMW Circle had nine come out on a delightful Saturday morning to share the excitement that comes from engaging in mission!

The group's Four Focus Areas:
Climate Justice:
Recycling program for plastic items continues at the parsonage garage. White office paper and aluminum cans recepticles are at the church.
Food Justice: Lisa shared an idea for a "Reverse Advent Calendar" as a way to involve the congregation in stocking the Pantry Partners. Look for an article in the December Glad Tider. 
Maternal / Children: We've been supporting the Back-to school supply efforts and will continue this in January. Several members volunteered to assist with the Clothes Closet's children's shopping day (10am-2pm, Dec. 16). We'll also be talking with the WIC staff on how to support that activity. 
Racial Justice: No discussion.

Giving opportunities: Giving Tuesday is November 28 - Amazon Smile and UMC Marketplace are two places for giving to the church when we shop. 

Everyone was invited to take part in the "Making Merry" activity on December 10th following worship. The children are making plates of treats for our shut-ins and adding a hand-made ornament. More than twenty-five names are on the list already!

Looking ahead: 
Dec. 8 - Friday Circle Christmas party 
Dec. 10 - Making Merry event following worship
Dec. 16 - Saturday Circle, 9:00 am  
Dec. 16 - Clothes Closet Kids Shopping Day, 10am-2pm

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Thank Offering this coming Sunday

On Sunday (Nov. 19) we'll be receiving the 18th Annual Thank Offering during worship. This year's missions:

World & National: Imagine No Malaria / UMCOR

Montana: Blackfeet UM Parish / Flathead Lake UM Camp / Intermountain / Wesley House @ UM

Local: Habitat for Humanity of Ravalli County / Loaves & Fishes Fund (Stevi UMC) / Clothes Closet / Pantry Partners / SAFE (Supporters of Abuse-free Environment) / Linda Massa Youth Home / Emma's House

Final appeal for the 2017 Advent Devotional

Advent begins Sunday, December 3 and Pastor Charles is looking for people to write a one - three paragraph entry for the 2017 Advent Devotional.

As of today, eight disciples have committed to writing an entry leaving fifteen dates still to be filled. 

The theme this year will be: Incarnation: Where I see God during the time of waiting.

Please contact the church office by November 19 to reserve your space for what again promises to be a unique and valuable devotional resource. 

Copies will be available on this blog, on Facebook and via email.  Paper copies will be available the first Sunday of Advent, December 3.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Scripture lesson for November 19

Westminster Abbey
The church year is nearing its conclusion with just two Sundays remaining. This week we look at Matthew 25:14-30.

This week @ Stevi UMC


7:00 pm, Living Clean

6:00 pm, Shepherding

7:00 pm, Choir


8:00 am, WIC
10:00 am, Invitation to Romans 

6:00 pm, Cub Scouts
7:00 pm, Ad Council

10:00 am, Drop-in Bible Study, #12

6:00 pm, Cub Scouts

8:00 am, UMW Saturday Circle

9:00 am, Gospel Parallels study  
9:15 am, Children's church school
10:15 am, Praise singing                                                   
10:30 am, Worship
11:30 am, Fellowship time
11:45 am, Chime practice

Sunday, November 12, 2017

A November Sunday

The Altar Guild does great work!
Sherry loves the chidren!
"Cantate Domino"
Fellowship is fun!
Chime practice after worship

Each time we come together as a community of faith we are blessed to have a place and a people to share in the worship of God. We are also a blessing to others as we add our gifts to those brought by others.

This morning we recognized the many SUMC members who have served their country in the military.  It seems that most every family has someone who served in was and in peace, from WWII to the present.

In our worship this morning, we welcomed Shirley McKelvey into the membership of the congregation. The choir offered praise to God with "Cantate Domino" Pastor Charles' sermon, "In the nick of time" came from Matthew 25:1-13. Our time in worship was brought to a glorious climax with a piano solo by Arthur Kostuk of a Franz Litz work.

Following worship we were a busy group with fellowship time, the Lay Leadership Committee, Education Committee, and the Chime Choir practice taking place at the same time!


Thanks this morning to: Dave Lockman (praise music), Hazel Smith (organ), Julie Ludington (piano), Tom Bishop (video), Sherry Paddie (liturgist/children), Cammie Edgar (power point), Mary Costello (acolyte/greeter/usher), Lynn Moshier (greeter), Carol Word (usher), Brenda Bolton (choir), Arthur Kostuk (piano/postlude)Angela Haugo, Mary Nelson, & Bev Schneider (fellowship), and Ruth Cleveland & Don Nelson (offering counters).

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Memorial for Naidine York

Military honors this morning in Corvallis
Hazel Smith provided the music this morning

The memorial service for Naidine A. (Peterson) York (Cathy Wood's mother) was held this morning at our church following a interment service in Corvallis. Pastor Charles officiated at both services.

The service can be seen at this link.

Thanks to the UMW for hosting the reception following the service. Bonita Ziegler coordinated the effort with Belinda Alkula, Mary Costello, Carol Goffe, Fran Jackson, and Linda Kauffman serving at the reception.

UMM on the road

Don Nelson (standing) greets the Corvallis UMM
Seven men from Stevi UMC made the drive to Corvallis this morning and joined the men of the Corvallis UMC for that group's monthly breakfast. Good food and great fellowship made for a warm start to a rather damp morning.

Remembering those who served

Friday, November 10, 2017

UMW Friday Circle

The board at work
Fall is in the air
Lois Hansen has the program
Hazel shares the social action report
Carol & Carole leads the nominations report
Twenty-five were present today for the November meeting of the Friday UMW Circle. Hostesses for today were Mary Costello, Frank Jackson, and Kathy Wood.

Mary Costello shared the devotions, a time to consider what we were thankful for. Mary shared some of the treasured Bibles she has and read to us from Psalm 100.

The program was introduced by receiving the World Thank Offering and remembering that we are blessed in the sacred space of sharing food. Rev. Lois Hansen shared this month's program, Practicing Random Acts of Christmas Kindness.
Reports: +Secretary - Linda Kauffman +Treasurer - Bonita Ziegler reported the receipts for the apple dumplings have gone over $3,386 and the Fall Bazaar hit $5,000! +Spiritual Growth - Bev Schneider shared a reading from Hebrews and how we are to rely on God, not on ourselves as we become the people God desires us to be. +Outreach/Mission/Social Justice - Hazel Smith shared an article from last month's Response about the work being done to empower women of the Masai people in Kenya. +Receptions - Bonita reported that there will be a reception for Nadine York (Kathy Wood's mother) tomorrow. A sign up sheet was passed for those willing to be part of this ministry next year. +Reading program - Marcia Prather reminded participants in this year's reading program to get titles to her for the records. The 2018 Reading Program list is available. +Saturday UMW Circle - Belinda said that the recycling effort is going well (drop-off at the parsonage) and that the Pantry Partners Sunday offering this month (Nov. 19) will be items for the Pantry Partners holiday baskets. +Prayer Shawls - Carole Koval shared that two shawls were presented in October. 233 shawls have been given to date. +Fall Bazaar - Nov. 3, 2018 has been selected as the date for the next bazaar. Coordinators have stepped forward for each of the work areas. +Nominations - Carol Goffe and Carole Koval presented the nominations report and called for the election for 2018 officers: President, Marcia Prather - Vice-president, Linda Kauffman - Secretary, Carol Goffe - Treasurer, Bonita Ziegler. The full list of coordinators will be available in UMW program book in January.
Upcoming events: November
11 Memorial Service for Nadine York, 11 am
11 Grace UMC (Missoula) Fall Bazaar 12 Book Club @ Ellyn Jones' 18 Saturday Circle, 9 am
  December 8 Friday Circle Christmas party
10 "Making Merry" Christmas Ornament making with the SUMC children and youth 16 Saturday Circle
16 Kids' shopping day @ the Clothes Closet

Finding our Way in a Time of Uncertainty and Opportunity

Friday, November 10, 2017

LAKE JUNALUSKA, N.C. – United Methodist Church bishops are calling on members of the denomination to engage in respectful conversations amidst growing conflict over political, religious and justice issues in many places in our world.

In a pastoral letter released at the end of the Council of Bishops (COB) meeting at Lake Junaluska in North Carolina today, COB President Bruce R. Ough reminded the members that the UMC is a Church which is diverse in its theological understanding of Scripture and Christ’s call in our lives.

“Conflict and differing opinions, a natural part of the human and faith experience, come in a variety of forms. We are called to address our differences with authenticity and respectful conversations which enrich our understanding of God and of one another,” Bishop Ough said.

The bishops reminded United Methodists about Ephesians 4:1-2 which admonishes us “to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”


November 10, 2017 

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Jesus Christ, 

Ephesians 4:1-2 admonishes us “to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” 

All of us are witnesses to increased animosity and growing conflict over political, religious and justice issues in many places in our world in word and deed. We believe this serves to threaten our safety and security. In antagonistic discussions about our faithful witness in the world, we may encounter verbal abuse, disruptive behavior, harassing emails, letters and phone messages, and confrontations.   

As Bishops of your United Methodist Church, we serve a Church which is diverse in its theological understanding of Scripture and Christ’s call in our lives.  Conflict and differing opinions, a natural part of the human and faith experience, come in a variety of forms.  We are called to address our   differences with authenticity and respectful conversations which enrich our understanding of God and of one another. 

In recent months, we have experienced these negative behaviors escalating into more aggressive, and violent expressions of hate, prejudice, and anger directed against others. We are hearing of and observing angry words now escalating to actions that are resulting in fear, anxiety, loss of security, and even physical harm. These actions are repugnant to us as your bishops. 

We renew our covenant to one another to lead as a council and in our respective residential areas in ways that reflect our commitment to do no harm, do good, and stay in love with God.  We renew this covenant within the Council of Bishops to engage in holy conversation and Christ-like behavior especially when we do not agree with one another. We call upon all United Methodists, even in the midst of disagreement and uncertainty about our future as a church, to do the same, and to love each other as Christ loved us (John 12:34). 

In Christ’s shalom,

Bishop Bruce R. Ough, President The Council of Bishops

Bishops consider 3 models for church future

By Heather Hahn
Nov. 9, 2017 | LAKE JUNALUSKA, N.C. (UMNS)

United Methodist bishops are exploring three possible models for how the church should handle LGBTQ inclusion.
The models come to the bishops from the Commission on a Way Forward, which has the task of trying to find a way for the church to stay together despite deep divides over homosexuality.
The bishops have been meeting in closed session Nov. 6-9 to discern whether the commission is heading in the right direction. The bishop-appointed commission has three more meetings planned early next year, and the bishops do not plan to develop any final recommendations until May 2018.

Read more at this link.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Bishops uphold values of mission, unity, space, contextuality in interim report on Way Forward work

November 9, 2017

LAKE JUNALUSKA, N.C. - Placing emphasis on the values of unity, space and contextuality - all for the sake of mission – the Council of Bishops (COB) is exploring sketches of three models as possible directions for a way forward for The United Methodist Church over LGBTQ inclusion.

With the mission of God through the risen Christ at the core, the bishops this week received an interim report from the Commission on a Way Forward that offered three sketches of models that would help ease the impasse in the church, noting that the power of the Holy Spirit trumps and guides all the church’s activities. The Commission serves the COB, helping prepare the COB to fulfill its mandate to make a recommendation for a way forward to the General Conference.

Just as the Commission did not express a preference for any of the models in its interim report to the COB in order for the bishops to fully do their work, the COB is also not now expressing a preference for any model, while engaging deeply with them and the implications for their church and their leadership. This will provide the space bishops need to teach and engage leaders in their episcopal areas.

After receiving the interim report of the sketches of the three possible models, the bishops engaged in prayerful discerning and offered substantial feedback to the Commission, but did not take any vote on any of the sketches.

Read more at this link.