"Through the power of Christ, we are learning to live in simplicity, thankfulness, contentment and
generosity in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana."


Saturday, June 30, 2018

Five years and counting

Our blog was launched on July 1, 2013 to serve as a bulletin board of sorts, chronicling the life of our congregation

By the numbers:

Number of posts: 3,498
Number of page views: 88,151
Average # of views per post: 25.2

Fewest # of posts in one month: 23 (May 2014)
Most # of posts in one month: 111 (December 2016)
Fewest # of posts in one year: 611 (2014)
Most # of posts in one year: 827 (2016)

Month with the highest avg. of posts: December/93 
Month with the lowest avg. of posts: September/45

Average # of posts per day: 1.9
Average # of posts per month: 58.3
Average # of posts per year: 698.8

Monday, June 25, 2018

Scripture lesson for July 1

The scripture lesson for July 1 is Judges 2:1-9.

This week @ Stevi UMC

8:00 am, Bitterroot Education Co-op
1:00 pm, Bible study @ The Living Center
7:00 pm, Living Clean

8:00 am, WIC 
10:00 am, Exodus study

10:00 am, Drop-in Bible study @ Doris T.'s

9:00 am, UMW Saturday Circle
11:00 am, Outreach Team

10:15 am, Praise music  
10:30 am, Worship  
11:30 am, Fellowship

Sunday, June 24, 2018

First Sunday of summer

The rain has ended and the faithful made their way to worship God with joyful hearts!

Our special summer offering this morning was by Sunrise (back to full-strength with Cleo's return) with "I am a Pilgrim & Down at the Cross" The summer sermon series, Road trip through the Bible, made a stop with "Just another day in Sodom and Gomorrah." based on Genesis 19:17-29.

Thanks this morning to: Amanda Hermes (Nursery),
Lynn Moshier, Dean Diers, (Greeters/ushers), Roberta Zelinski (Acolyte/usher), Julie Ludington (Pianist), Tom Bishop (Video), Bev Schneider (Liturgist), Dave McGarvey (power point), Ellyn Jones & Dean Diers (offering counters), and Tom Bishop, Donna Lewis, and Lisa Nicholls (Fellowship).

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Fantastic fun at the rummage sale!

Stevensville's Western Heritage Days draws crowds to the fun on Main St. and to Stevi UMC for the United Methodist Men's annual rummage sale! Despite the overcast skies and the threat of rain, there was a buzz of excitement as early shoppers lined up to get the bargains that waited for them in the parking lot and in the fellowship hall.

Despite the rain the event was a success with more than $1,500 being raised for mission projects.

Thanks to everyone who helped with today's sale: Tom Bishop, Sharon Brown, Dean & joey Diers, Amy Farrell, Paul Goddard, Carol Goffe, Marcia Prather, Connie & Dave Rakiecki, and Bev Schneider.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Rummage sale tomorrow!

The United Methodist Men will be setting up for the rummage sale today in anticipation of the sale tomorrow (June 23), 9 am - 2 pm. 
Thanks to everyone who helped out with setting up for the rummage sale: Tom Bishop, Mary Costello & friend, Dean Diers & his dad, Bob Edgar, Carol Goffe, Claire Kelly, Lynn Moshier, Marcia Prather & friend, Connie & Dave Rakiecki, Amber Mackay-Schulte, Bev Schneider, Ava S., and Dusty Schrock.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


What a joy it was to be at The Living Center tonight for the June edition of Worship on Wednesday (WOW)!

Thanks to Sunrise (Carole Koval, Bill Lyon, & Connie Rakiecki) for sharing their musical gifts with the community tonight.

Bell concert in Hamilton

Who: The Wesley Bell Ringers from Salt Lake City
What: The thirteenth concert on the choir's 53rd annual summer tour featuring fifteen teenaged ringers playing more than 150 hand-bells and hand-chimes.
Where: First Presbyterian Church - 1220 W. Main St., Hamilton
When: Friday, June 22 at 7:30 pm
Why: For a fun evening with talented youth performing amazing music. This year's concert included Debussy's Sunken Cathedral, Tchaikovsky's Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy, Disney's Hercules, and the works of noted hand-bell composers and arrangers.

Admission to the concert is free, a free-will offering will be collected.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Scripture lessons for June 24

Basilica of San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy - 551 AD.

The scripture lessons for this coming Sunday are Genesis 18:16-25 and Genesis 19:17-29 as we visit Sodom and Gomorrah.

This week @ Stevi UMC

1:00 pm, Bible study @ The Living Center

7:00 pm, Trustees
7:00 pm, Living Clean

8:00 am, WIC 
10:00 am, Exodus study
6:00 pm, WOW @ The Living Center 

1:30 pm, "Senior Moments, too" @ Arlene H.
6:00 pm, Shepherding
7:00 pm, Ad Council 

9:00 am - 2:00 pm, Rummage sale set-up
10:00 am, Drop-in Bible study @ Doris T.'s

9 am - 2 pm, Rummage Sale


10:15 am, Praise music  

10:30 am, Worship  

11:30 am, Fellowship

Sunday, June 17, 2018

This morning @ SUMC

Dave Lockman leading praise music
Mary Costello lights the way
Nilda & Carol sing, "Chariot's Coming"
Father's Day at Stevi UMC was overcast outside while inside the light of God was brightly shining!

Our special summer offering this morning was a duet by Nilda Bishop and Carol Goffe, "Chariot's Coming." Pastor Charles began the summer sermon series, Road Trip, began with "One day in Eden" was based on Genesis 2:8-15.

Thanks this morning to: Amanda Hermes (Nursery),
Amy Farrell & Sharon Brown (Greeters/ushers), Mary Costello (Acolyte), Hazel Smith (Organist), Julie Ludington (Pianist), Tom Bishop (Video), Bev Schneider (Liturgist), Paul Ludington (power point), Lois Hansen & Dean Diers (offering counters), and Ellyn Jones, Linda Kauffman, & Hazel Smith (Fellowship).

Father's Day Prayer

Oh God, we thank you for fathers near, fathers with strong arms and fathers with feeble knees present at table and at bathtub and at bedtime for prayers. Thank you, God, for fathers near.

We thank you, O God, for fathers far away,  fathers who ache for their families, fathers absent because of war, or disease, or despair.  Fathers who are present and absent at the same time.  Thank you, God, for fathers far away.

We thank you, O God, for caring communities  where  mothers  fill in for fathers and fathers fill in for mothers and grandparents put on the apron and the towel.  Where aunts and uncles, and those who are absolutely no kin at all make our communities a home fit for habitation.  Amen.

- from www.gbod.org

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Wedding day

The rain couldn't dampen the joy found this morning in the sanctuary as Stacy Bartlett and Brian Braach were married before friends and family.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Red Cross blood drive

Thanks to everyone who helped make today's Red Cross blood drive a success! At least seventeen units were collected!

The next drive at Stevi UMC will be on September 28.

Rummage sale update

Tom Bishop, Dave McGarvey, & Paul Ludington
The annual UMM rummage sale (set for June 23) is gathering momentum with the parsonage garage filled-to-overflowing with an amazing assortment of items.

The next day that items may be brought to the church will be Friday, June 22 (starting at 10 am).

The rummage sale takes place on Saturday, June 23 - 9:00 am - 2:00 pm.

A shocking violation of the spirit of the Gospel

In recent weeks, we have watched with horror at the implementation of policies from the Department of Justice regarding the treatment of people migrating to the United States.

In early May, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a “zero tolerance” policy resulting in de facto family separation: children are immediately removed from their parents as they are apprehended after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. And three days ago, the Attorney General also announced a policy reversing protections for asylum seekers fleeing domestic abuse and gang violence. Neither threat of violence is now considered grounds for asylum.

Furthermore — and in response to the ardent opposition from a wide array of faith communities — the officials responsible for these policies have recently used Christian scripture to justify their actions.

To argue that these policies are consistent with Christian teaching is unsound, a flawed interpretation, and a shocking violation of the spirit of the Gospel.

Administration officials have used the Christian text of Paul’s Letter to the Romans — his first and weightiest epistle — to justify their actions. The ethical teachings of Romans 12-16 describe that consecrated Christian life requires the duties of love and hospitality. The commandment in Chapter 13 to “be subject to the governing authorities” is bracketed by preceding and following passages containing the command to “love.”

Earlier verses detail what love looks like:

Let love be genuine, hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor. Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord…extend hospitality to strangers. (Romans 12: 9-11, 13 NRSV, emphasis added)

Subsequent verses further clarify the centrality of love and its comprehensive nature, stating that all the commandment[s] are summed up in this word, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”  

Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore, love is the fulfilling of the law. (Romans 13: 9-10 NRSV, emphasis added)

We are reminded by Paul that love is the way.

Jesus is our way, our truth, our life. The Christ we follow would have no part in ripping children from their mothers’ arms or shunning those fleeing violence. It is unimaginable that faith leaders even have to say that these policies are antithetical to the teachings of Christ.

Christian sacred texts should never be used to justify policies that oppress or harm children and families.

Those using the Bible to justify these horrific policies, should also read the prophet Isaiah:

Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless. (Isaiah 10: 1-3 NIV)

The Trump Administration implemented these policies. They have the power to stop these horrific actions. Join me in calling on the Department of Justice, and especially on our fellow United Methodist, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, to immediately reverse these decisions.

When you reach out, be sure to share with them the Social Principles of our United Methodist Church, which uphold the rights of immigrants, oppose family separation,and demand protections for  womenchildren, and men from violence.

U.S. Department of Justice
Phone: 202-353-1555
Twitter: @TheJusticeDept
Facebook: facebook.com/DOJ


Susan Henry-Crowe