"Through the power of Christ, we are learning to live in simplicity, thankfulness, contentment and
generosity in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana."


Sunday, July 6, 2014


JOYS:  Thanks be to God for …
No American military deaths last week in areas of overseas conflict.
Those who serve our country.
Our country’s 238th birthday.
Joy of being in church.
A loving church family and the genuine welcome we give to one another.
Freedom to worship.
The freedom, peace, opportunities and social justice that is evident in our country.
A great pig-nic in the town park on the Fourth of July that the Civic Club and the Fire Department hosted.
Conclusion of successful temporary employment at the local fireworks stand.
Paul and Julie L. leading our pre-worship service hymn sing.
Musical ministry in our church.
Visitors in church:  Dean and joey D.’s son Sam; Bill and Mary L.’s son Mark; Vickie V.’s granddaughter Katie Rose; family that just moved to Stevensville and bought the Bitterroot River Bed and Breakfast:  Kevin and Heather T. and their children.
Family pews in worship.
Reunion visits with family and friends.
The joy of savoring the gifts of every day that God gives us.
All those who have good employment news.
Joy of camping.
The Boy Scouts’ safe camping experience on the church grounds last night.
All who are experiencing better health news:  Sharon W.’s grandson Eric, Anne H. and Ms. Hattie.
Wedding anniversary blessings to Fred and Fran J. (45 years) and Ben and Bev L. (58 years).
Ben and Bev L.’s great-grandson Jax’ birthday yesterday.
Birthday blessings for all whose birthdays are this time of year ... including Bev L., Sam B., Autumn S., Robert D. and Bruce P.
All serving in various capacities for the betterment of the church.
Safe travels.
All those who journey.
Today marking the 15th anniversary that Lynn and Gail M. first attended the Stevensville UMC.
Today marking the beginning of the second year that Pastor Charles and Belinda Alkula are with our church family.

CONCERNS:  Oh, Lord, we humbly pray for … 
All our military Veterans and their families, especially those who are dealing with “the loss of body, mind and/or spirit.”
Dave, who is recovering from being mauled by a grizzly bear.
Healing mercies for Anne H., Ms. Hattie, Les S., neighbor Bob S., Rich G.’s niece, sister Barb, neighbor Robert, John S., Judy W., Gail M.’s sister Anne, Sue in west Texas,  Carol’s cousin and George C.
Family and friends who are mourning the death of Ellie Tuck who was killed by a drunk driver (leaving behind three children).
The driver whose life changed forever as a consequence of his/her drunk-driving.
Family and friends who are mourning the death of Karen Martin and Joe Reynolds.
Those who are struggling with life’s challenges, for example:  unemployment and underemployment concerns.
Family and friends who are mourning the death of Pastor and Kristen Sardella’s infant daughter.
Family and friends who are mourning the death of Betty S.’ son Robert.
All those who mourn this day.
All who are in pain this day.
All who suffer from depression and anxiety.
Area children – that they have safe, encouraging places “to be” this summer.
Travelling mercies and for those not with us today.
Those who are dealing with life’s transitions.
Family members who are near and far from one another.
All who need the peace of God.
Unspoken prayers.

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