"Through the power of Christ, we are learning to live in simplicity, thankfulness, contentment and
generosity in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana."


Friday, November 9, 2018

Big changes coming to the UMW

Carole lights a candle for Doloras
Responsive group!
Kathy Wood leads the program
Tish Herries speaks to the group
The Stevi UMC United Methodist Women gathered this afternoon at The Living Center. The change in venue, necessitated by the use of the fellowship hall for the AARP driver's course, was a fitting precursor for the big changes coming to our UMW.

Today's hostesses were Mary Costello, Mary Hackett, and Sue Pearson.

Carole Koval presented the memorial for Doloras Fryhling. An offering will be made in her memory to the UMW.

Claire Kelly shared today's devotions, using a range of scripture readings to illustrate WWJD? (What Would Jesus Do?).

Tish Herries, Conference Coordinator of Spiritual Nurture and Outreach was on hand to share about the how and why we engage in prayer. 

Today's program was presented by Kathy Wood with musical assistance from Hazel Smith. Kathy led us in looking at the background of four hymns: Be Thou My Vision (8th c.), All Creatures of Our God and King (1225), Fairest Lord Jesus (1677), and Sunshine in My Soul (1887).

Coordinator Reports:
Receptions: We hosted the reception following Doloras Fryhling's funeral last month.
Prayer Shawls: Carole Koval reported that we presented four shawls since last meeting which brings us to 257 since we began doing this in 2006. We are down to six shawls in reserve.
Reading Program: Marcia reminded us to get our final reports. The Response moment addressed the UMC response to the migrant crisis.

Committee Reports: The bazaar was a success with more than $5,100 raised! 


+ $150 is being given to Loaves & Fishes.
+ UMW Christmas Party is on Dec. 7. Guests are welcome, please let the UMW secretary know in advance how many you are bringing.
+ Election of officers - 
President: Carole Koval (Jan.-June) & Sue Pearson (July-Dec.)
Vice-Pres.: Sue Pearson (Jan.-June) & Carole Koval (July-Dec.)
Treasurer: Carol Goffe (has already assumed this office)
Secretary: Julie Weindel

A survey was conducted of the membership to discern possible changes in the manner of organizing and functioning as a UMW Unit.

Upon the recommendation of the UMW Board, the Unit has decided upon the following changes:
- decrease in the number of meetings to five with two additional social events.
- We will meet in January, March, May, September, and October on the third Saturday of the month, 10 am-Noon. The summer picnic will be in July and the Christmas party will be on the first Saturday in December.
- The number and frequency of reports from Mission, Education, & Action and Spiritual Growth will alternate reporting to the Unit to enable a more flexible and enjoyable gathering. Coordinator reports will be submitted in advanced and distributed.
- Hostess role will also be simplified to allow for full participation by more members.

The December Christmas party will be on December 7 at 1:00 pm (at the church) with the theme: "The good old days."

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