"Through the power of Christ, we are learning to live in simplicity, thankfulness, contentment and
generosity in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana."


Sunday, October 12, 2014


JOYS:  Thanks be to God for …
Those who serve our country.
The Department of Defense’s announcement that there were no combat-related military casualties last week.
Our country.
The beautiful autumn day today.
All enjoying better health, including Nurse Linda K.’s daughter Colleen, Trudy F., Marsha P., Bev L.
Birthday blessings to Tasha, Molly H., Gretchen S., Clay F., Mitch E. and Dave F.
Visitors:  Nilda’s sister and brother-in-law.
Bev L. is in worship with us today.
The health we enjoy.
The joy of the University of Montana’s Wesley House being able to send university students to the upcoming “NEXT” event in Denver. 
The excitement that some of the Wesley House students will be visiting our church in a couple of weeks.
Those who admitted to waking up today tired and feeling lazy, but persevered to get to church because being with the church family is so precious to them.
Someone (Ed S.) admitted to being tempted but did not steal any church-visitors’ gift-jam while Carol was away.
Girl Scout candy-selling season.
Our youth and those who support them.
The UMM and UMW’s many activities.
The church family’s support of the UMW’s mission projects.
Wonderful Bible studies throughout the week. 
All serving in various capacities for the betterment of the church.
All people who work for peace.
Safe travels.

CONCERNS:  Oh, Lord, we humbly pray for … 
All our military Veterans and their families, especially those who are dealing with “the loss of body, mind and/or spirit.”
Healing mercies for Bev L., Eleanor P., Dusty S., Olivia S., Don H., Gail F., Marsha P.’s friend who just entered hospice care, Lorraine’s grandson who was involved in a recent automobile accident, Carol’s grandson Nick, Bill and Carol G.’s son Scott, Lisa M.’s sister Kim, Tom B.’s niece Susan and Carol’s friend.
Those who care for the sick.
Charlene S’s granddaughter’s dealing with a challenging life situation.
The family and friends of Tyler who passed away yesterday.
Travelling mercies and for those not with us today.
All who are dealing with life transitions.
All needing God’s mercies.
Unspoken prayers.

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