"Through the power of Christ, we are learning to live in simplicity, thankfulness, contentment and
generosity in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana."


Thursday, August 6, 2015

Church servants needed

We're already looking ahead to our fall schedule and Pastor Charles would like to invite greeter/ushers and readers to meet with him on Saturday, August 22 at 11 am to "walk through" what is involved.

Greeter/usher: two needed each Sunday.  
Greeters are stationed by the front and parking lot doors and provide a warm welcome and bulletins.  Assist guests/new comers with temporary name tags and other helpful information.  Greeters can sit if that is more comfortable for them.

Ushers assist with the offering and with serving communion.

(you can sign up to be a greeter, an usher, or both)

Reader: One person
Shares the greeting, call to worship, scripture, and the offering prayers. The items shared are provided ahead of time to the reader to aid in a comfortable reading experience.

Fellowship time:
Offering a time for the community to gather following worship has been found by many churches to be a vital aspect of retaining interest in the church by both members and guests alike.

You can sign-up to provide one, two, three, or all four parts of the fellowship time tasks:

Set-up: Put out cups, napkins, etc. 
Refreshments: Use your imagination. Sometimes it is store-bought cookies, sometimes fresh fruit, sometimes it is elaborate.  The point is, having something to hold onto while chatting!  First Sunday of each month a birthday cake is provided.
Host/hostess: Someone who can refill the coffee/tea and other refreshments.
Clean-up: Two-three people can get it done quickly and off to lunch before you know it.

If EVERYONE does a little bit, no one will have to do it all.

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