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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

GC 2016: Day 8 - morning (May 18)

Some of the witnesses to the church's policy on GLBT clergy
Bishop James E. Swanson, Sr.
Celebration of the Imagine No Malaria ministry
Bishop Ough offers the CoB response
Adam Hamilton moves to affirm the Bishop's "way forward"
The emotions which had been building since the delegates began arriving last week for GC 2016 came to a boil today. Seemingly behind ever legislative meeting, every plenary motion, or general board report was the 300-lb. gorilla, human sexuality.

Bishop Swanson, indeed all of the bishops preaching at GC stated, "If you are going to go, there is a shadow figure that follows you...evil goes with you...(and) every Christian has the potential for being a harbinger of evil..."

A procession from several dozen clergy whose service in the church had either been terminated or not allowed to begin by virtue of their sexuality began one of the most gruelling mornings Pastor Charles can recall involving the church. Bishop Ough followed this demonstration by bringing to the GC the report of the Council of Bishops in response to the appeal of the GC for leadership from the bishops.

An incredible amount of energy was spent wrestling with the bishop's request to suspend all discussion of human sexuality for this GC. A commission would be created to bring to a special GC in 2-3 years time that would be called for this one topic only.

Eventually Rev. Adam Hamilton (Great Plains Conference) proposed accepting the bishop's recommendation and after yet more acrimonious debate, the presiding bishop called for a lunch break to calm the gathering.

Read the Daily Christian Advocate (DCA) for the daily update.

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