"Through the power of Christ, we are learning to live in simplicity, thankfulness, contentment and
generosity in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana."


Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Trunk-or-Treat (Outside, pt.2)

The fire was a welcome stop!
A chicken stops to check out the bounty
Dave offers a treat
Who is that masked man?
A happy time
The weather was ideal for a Trunk-or-Treat event with the autumn chill and overcast sky adding to the Halloween spirit.

Trunk-or-Treat (outside, pt. 1)

Linda greets a new friend
Sherry & Fergus greet the little ones
joey & Dean were happy to be here!
Bill & Carol served up hospitality

Teal pumpkin means we're a allergy-free event
There was a steady stream of Trick-or-Treaters and their escorts starting with the first small visitor just after the 5 pm start time.

Thanks to everyone who helped to make this event such fun: Belinda Alkula, Pastor Charles, Dean & joey Diers, Bill & Carol Gragg, Amber & Dave Maclay-Schulte, Lisa Menery, Don & Mary Nelson, Sherry Paddie & Fergus, Marcia Prather, Connie & Dave Rakiecki, Dusty Schrock, Linda Sunderland & Lexi.

Trunk-or-Treat (Inside)

Welcome committee
Before the rush
Mary Nelson & Marcia Prather are ready!
Connie Rakiecki welcomes Ava & Dusty
There was something for everyone at Trunk-or-Treat including three tables with treats and the Charlie Brown Halloween special on the tv! 

Thanks to Mary Nelson, Marcia Prather, and Connie Rakiecki for welcoming the children!

500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation

A prayer of Martin Luther
Behold, Lord, an empty vessel that needs to be filled. My Lord, fill it.
I am weak in faith; Strengthen Thou me.
I am cold in love; Warm me and make me fervent that my love may go out to my neighbor.
I do not have a strong and firm faith; At times I doubt and am unable to trust Thee altogether. O Lord, help me.
Strengthen my faith and trust in Thee. In Thee I have sealed the treasures of all I have.
I am poor; Thou art rich and didst come to be merciful to the poor.
I am a sinner; Thou art upright.
With me there is an abundance of sin; In Thee is the fullness of righteousness.
Therefore, I will remain with Thee of who I can receive but to whom I may not give.
 ~ ~ ~
 Original in German:

Sihe, Herr, hie ist eyn lähr Faß, das bedarff wol, das man es fülle, Mein Herr, fülle es, ich bin schwach im glauben, stärcke mich, ich bin kalt inn der liebe, wärme mich und mache mich hitzig, das meine liebe herauß flisse auff meinen Nechsten; ich habe nicht eynen festen starcken glauben, ich zweifele zu zeiten und kan dir nicht gäntzlich vertrauen. 

Ach Herr, hilff mir, mehre mir meinen glauben und vertrauen, inn dich habe ich den schatz aller meiner güter verschlos sen, ich bin arm, du bist reich und bist kommen, dich der armen zu erbarmen, ich bin ein sünder, du bist gerecht. 

Hie bei mir ist der fluß der Sünde1, inn dir aber ist die Fülle der gerechtigkeyt etc.; darumb bleibe ich bei dir, von welchem ich nemmen kan, nicht dem ich geben darf.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Scripture lesson for November 5

The scripture lesson for Sunday, November 5 (All Saints Sunday) comes from 1 John 3:1-3                                                                                   

This week at Stevi UMC

7:00 pm, Living Clean

Tuesday: 500th Anniversary of the Reformation 
2:00 pm, Trunk-or-treat set-up
5:00 pm, Trunk-or-Treat

8:00 am, WIC
10:00 am, Invitation to Romans 
6:00 pm, Worship on Wednesday

6:00 pm, Cub Scouts
7:00 pm, Choir 

10:00 am, Drop-in Bible Study, #10 

9:00 am, Adult Convo @ Corvallis UMC    

Sunday: All Saints Sunday / Time change 
9:00 am, Gospel Parallels study  
9:15 am, Children's church school
10:15 am, Praise singing                                                   
10:30 am, Worship
11:30 am, Fellowship time

Sunday, October 29, 2017

UMW Assembly 2018!

United Methodist Women Assembly 2018 is a time for fellowship, equipping for service and collectively experiencing God’s call to mission with women, children and youth. Through moving worship, inspiring speakers, engaging exhibits, riveting workshops and town hall-style meetings, participants will leave Assembly with knowledge, courage and determination to change the world as part of a daring and compassionate 150-year-old movement of women committed to turning faith, hope and love into action.

Read more at this link.

Reformation Sunday @ Stevi UMC

The faithful gathered on this Sunday to study, share, and worship as we celebrated Tuesday's 500th Anniversary of the Reformation.
The chime choir offered praise to on this Reformation Sunday with "Ancient Words." Pastor Charles' sermon, "If Only" came from Martin Luther's "Five Solas: Grace Alone, Faith Alone, Scripture Alone, Christ Alone, the Glory of God Alone." 

Our fellowship time continued the custom of potluck's on month's with a fifth Sunday. What a feast that we shared! Thanks to everyone who stayed to help clean up afterwards.
Thanks this morning to: Theresa Tripp (Nursery), Dave Lockman (praise music), Hannah & Sierra (acolytes), Hazel Smith (organ), Tom Bishop (video), Paul Ludington (liturgist), Cammie Edgar (power point), Mary Costello and Roberta Zielinski (greeters/ushers), Sherry Paddie (Children's message), Brenda Bolton (choir), and Don Nelson & Bonita Ziegler (offering counters).

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Fifth Sunday Potluck Tomorrow

Join us tomorrow following our Reformation Sunday observance for a Fifth Sunday Potluck!!!

Saturday UMW Circle on the go!

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, table and indoor 

The Saturday UMW Circle had a full agenda this morning with LOTS of things to get excited about.

The group's Four Focus Areas:
Climate Justice: Recycling program for plastic items continues at the parsonage garage. White office paper and aluminum cans recepticles are at the church.
Food Justice: Pantry Partners is supported by our third Sunday collection. For November, we're asking for items that will be included in the holiday food boxes such as brownie mix, jell-o, and stuffing mixes.
Maternal / Children: We are supporting WIC with donations of wipes, and other items not provided through that program.
Racial Justice: 

Giving opportunities: Soft Landing, the BUMP Children's Christmas effort, and the Poverello Center are just some of the ways we are encouraging the congregation to be connected to the community's needs.

The BUMP effort will be a cash donation  (make checks out to the UMW)so that the Blackfeet Parish can get what is needed directly. Deadline is Nov. 12

Looking ahead:
Nov. 10 - Friday Circle, 1:00 pm
Nov. 12 - BUMP Christmas donation deadline 
Nov. 18 - Saturday Circle, 9:00 am 
Dec. 8 - Friday Circle Christmas party
Dec. 10 - Craft/cookie day following worship
Dec. 16 - Saturday Circle, 9:00 am

Friday, October 27, 2017

Celebrate the Reformation with us

This coming Sunday, October 29, is Reformation Sunday. This marks the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 thesis (or statements / questions) to the castle church door in Wittenburg and turned the world upside-down.

Join us for a special service as we join in this historic event.

BUMP Children's Christmas Project

The Blackfeet United Methodist Parish (BUMP) has once again requested that churches in the Yellowstone Conference contribute to make Christmas special for the children on the Blackfeet Reservation.  
Last year our generous SUMC members sent 80 Christmas boxes!  Bless youl  This year we are requesting that you donate money which will be used to purchase presents for the children.  We have made this change because John Ball who delivered the boxes to Browning from First Methodist of Missoula and SUMC for the past two years will be recovering from hip surgery and cannot make the trip.  

Please prayerfully consider what you spent last year on presents and wrapping and write a check for that amount or more to Stevensville United Methodist
Church with "BUMP Christmas Boxes" on the memo line and put in the offering by Nov. 12 deadline.   You will find a tag in your Sunday bulletin which we ask you to attach to the small Christmas tree on the table across from the office.  Our tags will help us all see how our gifts are growing each week.  Thank you so much for your generosity in making Christmas a joyous time for a child who might otherwise get nothing.  You make God smile!

Hazel Smith 777-1084
UMW Mission Education/Social Action 

Up to bishops to shape Way Forward ideas

The Commission on a Way Forward met in Berlin on Sept. 18-20. Photo by Maidstone Mulenga, Council of Bishops.

United Methodists expecting to see proposals from the Commission on a Way Forward will need to wait until the bishops weigh in.

“We as a commission serve the Council of Bishops, and the bishops serve the church,” said the Florida Conference’s Bishop Ken Carter, one of three episcopal leaders who serve as commission moderators. Carter is also president-elect of the Council of Bishops.

The bishop-appointed commission, which includes 32 members from nine countries, has the task of trying to find a way through the denomination’s impasse around ministry with LGBTQ individuals. The moderators are not members but facilitate the commission’s discussions. The 32 members include nine bishops — one just elected this year.

Read more at this link.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

A quiet time at WOW

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If you're missing WOW (Worship on Wednesday, 6:00 pm) you're really missing out!

Thanks to Dean Diers for the amazing soup and sharing a reflection from Alive! magazine.

CHANGE: starting in November, WOW will be happening on the first Wednesday of each month. The time will remain at 6:00 pm.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Scripture lesson for October 29


Romans 1:16-17

(Common English Bible)

16 I’m not ashamed of the gospel: it is God’s own power for salvation to all who have faith in God, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. 17 God’s righteousness is being revealed in the gospel, from faithfulness for faith, as it is written, The righteous person will live by faith.

This week at Stevi UMC

7:00 pm, Living Clean

7:00 pm, Choir 
8:00 am, WIC
10:00 am, Invitation to Romans   
6:00 pm, Worship on Wednesday
6:00 pm, Cub Scouts

10:00 am, Drop-in Bible Study, #9
9:15 am, Gospel Parallels study  
9:15 am, Children's church school  
10:15 am, Praise singing                                                   
10:30 am, Worship
11:30 am, Fellowship time
11:45 am, Chimes

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Post-bazaar Sunday!

The wind and rain made for a challenge for some to come to study and worship this morning! The after-glow of yesterday's UMW bazaar was in full-swing as those who had been unable to take part in the bazaar activities on Saturday got to sample some of the fun following worship.
Pastor Charles' sermon, "Paying the piper" came from Matthew 22:15-22. The chime choir offered praise to God through music with "It Is Well With My Soul"."

Thanks this morning to: Dave Lockman (praise music), Katie Rose and Annabel (acolytes), Julie Ludington (piano), Tom Bishop (video), Paul Ludington (liturgist), Cammie Edgar (power point), Ed Sperry and Roberta Zielinski (greeters/ushers), and Marilyn Murphy (Chimes), Nilda & Tom Bishop, Cammie Edgar, and Sara Malo (fellowship).

Saturday, October 21, 2017

A wonderful Bazaar!

The UMW's annual fall bazaar was a wonderful experience for everyone!

Thanks to all of contributed crafts, baked goods, gently used treasures, and volunteered time and more to make this event such a success.

Friday, October 20, 2017

It's almost bazaar time!

Add caption
Isla makes her first appearance on bazaar weekend!
Hazel marks prices in the craft area
Helen Lowry & Carol Goffee tend to the Treasures area
All ready in the kitchen!

The church was abuzz with activity today as the UMW members were setting up for the annual fall bazaar. This annual event is a major fundraiser for the UMW's mission projects each year.

Doors open tomorrow at 9:00 am!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

An October WOW evening!

Nine were present tonight for WOW! Good food, great conversation, and communion made for a rich evening together.

Pastor Charles shared a devotional from One Hundred Cranes: Praying with the Chorus of Creation"Praying with the Swan and the Albatross."

CONVO is coming to the Valley


Adult Convo is a day where “grown-ups” get to come and be taken through a day of spiritual development, rest, fun, and lots of food! The trick is, instead of adults being the “camp counselors” the entire weekend is planned, and led by the youth! We have sessions, small groups, games, songs-all run by young people. Come take a break from and experience God in a new way!

Come for some FUN!

RSVP to Corvallis United Methodist Church: 

Saturday, November 4th
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

UMCOR in action!

In the last 35 days, UMCOR - United Methodist Committee On Relief has collected more than 44,000 cleaning kits! Together, they are worth over $2,000,000.

Thank you to everyone who worked so diligently to help UMCOR respond to the needs of hurricane survivors. With your support, UMCOR is able to be hope to those in need.

Photo courtesy of UMCOR Sager Brown Depot
#UMCOR #ReliefSupply #disasterrelief

Advent is coming!

Advent begins Sunday, December 3 and Pastor Charles is looking for people to write a one - three paragraph entry for the 2017 Advent Devotional.

The theme this year will be: Incarnation: Where I see God during the time of waiting.

Please contact the church office by November 15 to reserve your space for what again promises to be a unique and valuable devotional resource. 

Copies will be available  on the blog, on Facebook and via email.  Paper copies will be available the first Sunday of Advent, December 1st.

The Bazaar is Coming!

Church Family:

Yes, our church bazaar will be this coming Saturday, October 21, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. In preparation for it, we ask the following:

1. We need small plastic bags and small boxes for shoppers' use. Also, we need to borrow card tables for use in our lunchroom area in the fellowship hall (Please put your name underneath your card table, so we may return it to you).

2. We plan to begin setting up tables for it on Friday, October 20, starting at 10 a.m. Everyone is invited to stop by and help us!

3. Folks who are working at the bazaar on Saturday will enjoy a free lunch (Hey, that means you can spend more at the bazaar, right!?)!

4. Workers opening the bazaar -- Please report to the church fellowship hall at 8:30 a.m.

I am available to answer any questions, comments, etc.

In advance, I thank you for your love and support of this United Methodist Women's activity to raise money to accomplish mission work locally, nationally, and internationally!

Every blessing to you and yours,

Belinda Alkula