"Through the power of Christ, we are learning to live in simplicity, thankfulness, contentment and
generosity in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana."


Friday, October 13, 2017

Friday UMW Circle

Twenty-three were on hand today for the October meeting of the Friday UMW Circle. Hostesses for today were Carol Goffe, Hazel Smith, and Roberta Zielinski. 

To open our time together, Carole Koval and Ginny Mellgren offered a moving tribute to Charline Siphers. Among many notable facts about Charline was her service as Conference UMW president for eight years. Pastor Charles shared this month's program, a guided meditation from "One Hundred Cranes: Praying with the Chorus of Creation."

+Secretary - Linda Kauffman shared thank you note from Mitch and Josh.
+Treasurer - Bonita Ziegler reported that apple dumpling proceeds are still being recieved.
+Spiritual Growth - Bev Schneider shared a reflection from www.peacefinders.org, Path to Peace, that was based on John 17:18-23.
+Outreach/Mission/Social Justice - Hazel Smith shared infromation about the work UMCOR is doing to support hurricane relief efforts. SUMC has supplied sixty health kits, twenty-eight school kits, and twenty-eight layette kits to UMCOR efforts this year. $220 will be sent to UMCOR from the special missions fund.
+Receptions - Bonita thanked everyone who supported the reception following Charline Sipher's memorial service.
+Reading program - Marcia Prather shared that the 2018 Reading Program list is available. Marcia reminded everyone that Response magazine is on the reading list. The September issue has a great article about what UMW members are doing for women and girls in Africa.
+Saturday UMW Circle - Belinda said that the recycling effort is going well (drop-off at the parsonage) and that the Pantry Partners Sunday offering this month (Oct. 15) will be spices and (store-bought) jelly.
+Prayer Shawls - Carole Koval shared that one shawl was presented this month.
+Fall Bazaar - Each of the coordinators spoke about their respective areas and invited participation from the Unit.
+Nominations - Election for 2018 officers will take place at the November meeting.

Upcoming events:
20 - Bazaar set-up
21 Annual Fall Bazaar
28 Saturday Circle
4 Adult Convo @ Corvallis UMC
10 Friday Circle
10 Wine, women,and wisdom @ Mary Nelson's
12 Book Club @ Ellyn Jones'
18 Saturday Circle
8 Friday Circle Christmas party
16 Saturday Circle

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