"Through the power of Christ, we are learning to live in simplicity, thankfulness, contentment and
generosity in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana."


Saturday, December 23, 2017

Advent Devotional - December 23

 In the United Methodist Church’s description of “Our Christian Roots,” Incarnation means “that God was in the world in the actual person of Jesus of Nazareth.” “We believe in Jesus as God's special child.” (http://www.umc.org/what-we-believe/our-christian-roots-jesus).

Just as God nurtured Jesus in the womb, he nurtures us every day.  While the season of Advent was created by people as a way of centering ourselves to focus specifically on the miracle of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ; it is true that God moves in us, preparing us continually - all year long - to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  It is for this reason that we utilize symbols and religious practice as a way of staying connected, so to speak.  And don’t you think God recognizes and appreciates our attempts to remember and connect? Therefore, I have to believe that God is “especially fond” of our preparations for Christmas, even when we forget why we are doing it!

Immediately following Thanksgiving, (for some of us, even sooner) we begin decorating and shopping. I have to admit, that all too often, my first thoughts about Christmas are to PREPARE…not for the arrival of God in the form of a baby…but for company in the form of friends and family. I focus on the pressures of getting ready for a celebration without truly focusing on what I’m celebrating.  But, when I think about it, I see God in those preparations just as much as I see him in more intentional places, such as worship.  I am continually reminded that God doesn’t need us to do his thing! He uses us for his work whether we are aware of it or not.  He is actively moving and nudging us in all of our choices, all the time, but he has to get a particular kick out of helping us prepare for Christmas…choosing just the right foods (you never know who is going to be touched by a meal or moved to a connection with God through some sweet familiar scent), choosing just the right gift (doesn’t God delight in the love shown by a gift or use the gift giving journey in some way; from the decision to the creation, or purchase, to the preparation for the surprise?) Ultimately, all who participate in the Christmas season, embody God whether they accept it or not. You don’t have to admit to being a Christian to understand HOPE, LOVE, JOY, and PEACE.  God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit stands in the midst of it all.

So as you carry on with your preparations for Christmas, allow the hustle and bustle to remind you of what you are celebrating.  May the wrapping paper you use to wrap your gifts bring you HOPE of things to come. May you feel LOVED whenever you see the  Christmas Lights that surround you with warmth. Let every piece of ribbon remind you of the JOY of the season.  Let every smell bring you PEACE.  And at the end of every day, may you rest in the  knowledge that CHRIST is at the center of it all. ~ AMEN

Sherry Paddie

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